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Health topics
… when stepping off a street curb. Or they may fall after getting dizzy from taking medicines. Some falls may be … to your doctor if you have numbness in your feet. You may get dizzy if you do not drink enough water. To prevent … hands) to make it easier to turn lights on if you have to get up during the night. Install sturdy handrails on …
Health topics
… or animal waste. In Canada and the United States, you can get giardia by drinking untreated water from wells, streams, … streams where the water may seem very pure. You can also get the infection if you swallow contaminated water while you swim. You can get giardia from someone else through: Close contact with …
Health topics
… The TMS device makes loud clicking sounds, so you will get earplugs to protect your hearing. Your doctor will place the device against your head. You will get a few test pulses, and your doctor will adjust the … long. Why It Is Done TMS is a treatment option if you don't get better with medicines. It also may be done if you get
Health topics
… Overview Growing older often means getting tired faster and moving slower than before. But some … frail may have trouble doing everyday tasks—going shopping, getting dressed, getting in or out of bed, or using the toilet. They may feel …
Health topics
… 2 to 4 weeks. In an open surgery, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to get back to usual routines. What To Expect You will have … Most people need 2 to 4 weeks before they are ready to get back to their usual routine. Because the surgery makes your stomach smaller, you will get full more quickly when you eat. Food also may empty into …
Health topics
… Most people need 2 to 4 weeks before they are ready to get back to their usual routine. Your doctor will give you … to work with a dietitian. This will help you learn how to get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals while you lose … instant fix. You will still need to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. This will help you reach your weight …
Health topics
… near your spinal cord and the nerves around it. You may get this medicine for a procedure on the lower part of your … side and curl your knees up to your chest. First you'll get a shot to numb the skin on your back. Then the doctor … needle into the numbed area. For spinal anesthesia, you'll get a shot of numbing medicine near your spinal cord. For …
Health topics
… What Should I Do If I'm at High Risk? Diabetes: Should I Get an Insulin Pump? Advance Care Planning: Should I Have … Aging: Is It Time to Stop Driving? Hearing Loss: Should I Get a Hearing Aid? Heart Failure: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)? Heart …
Health topics
… in cycles (also called cluster periods). Most people who get cluster headaches have one or two cluster periods each … 1 month or longer. After a cluster period ends, you may not get another headache for months or even years. As you get older, it's likely that you'll have longer and longer …
Health topics
… Overview Many people hesitate to get help for mental health problems. It can be hard to take … see yourself in one of these. Reasons people might not get help for mental health problems, and possible solutions … to schedule and find time for an appointment." "I can't get there." Therapists, clinics, and hospitals may offer …