2308 results found
Health topics
… hearing, and learning and can slow the child's growth. In adults, lead poisoning can damage the brain and nervous … of exposure to small amounts of lead at home, work, or daycare. It can also happen very quickly with exposure to a … soil that are contaminated by it. This can be a problem in older homes and buildings. Adults are most often exposed to …
Health topics
… of intimidation, stress, fear, or other problems. Having older siblings. Younger children may begin to talk slightly later than their older brothers or sisters did. However, having one or more older siblings does not cause significant speech and …
Health topics
… is less easily adapted to nursing. Let someone else take care of your baby for a few days. Your child should stay … bed with a bottle. This will make him or her more prone to dental cavities (caries) . Also, a baby with a bottle or … about weaning if: Your baby refuses all solid food and is older than 6 to 8 months of age. Your baby has changed from …
Health topics
… and environmental toxins (including mercury amalgam in dental work). Sensitivity to stress and trauma. Viral … and nutritional supplements in the treatment of MS. Be careful about taking supplements. Some minerals and vitamins … and environmental toxins (including mercury amalgam in dental work). Sensitivity to stress and trauma. Viral …
Health topics
… transplant are making it possible to successfully treat adults. What To Expect You may spend up to 4 weeks or longer … during or after the transplant. You'll need constant care for a while after you are home. For the next 6 to 12 … of stem cell transplant become greater as a person gets older and/or develops damage to major organs. For these …
Health topics
… tubes are shorter and more easily blocked than the tubes in older children and adults. What are the symptoms? Blocked eustachian tubes can … that you spray into your nose. Follow the instructions carefully. If you have an ear infection, the doctor may …
Health topics
… 1 hour after you take the medicine. Without emergency care, you could die. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will … are in an emergency, this can save your life. How can you care for yourself? To take care of yourself at home: Know … Food Allergies Rash, Age 11 and Younger Rash, Age 12 and Older Swelling Adaptation Date: 6/14/2023 Adapted …
Health topics
… allow organ donation. You will not be denied life-saving care if you need it. Provincial laws and emergency medical … research is challenging this thought. It may be that some older organs work just as well as younger organs. The length … precautions may be needed in teeth cleaning or other dental work. Stay away from people who are sick. Your immune …
Health topics
… Caregiving: How to Give a Bed Bath On this page: Overview … with blood flow can bathe more often if they want to. Older adults may only want a bed bath a few times each week. …
Health topics
… follow the non-prescription medicine precautions . Dosage Adults and Children over 12 years of age: The usual dose is … period. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a healthcare professional before use. Follow all instructions on the … more than the maximum dose recommended on the label. Be careful when taking over-the-counter cold or flu medicines …