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Health topics
… the risks of taking an SSRI against the risks of not treating OCD. What can you expect if you don't take medicine? … a day because I worry about how I look. I have also stopped eating in hopes of losing some weight because I worry I … the risks of taking an SSRI against the risks of not treating OCD. What can you expect if you don't take medicine? …
Health topics
… Pregnancy Breast Engorgement Breast Enlargement Breast Implant Surgery for Breast Reconstruction Breast Lumps Breast … Molar Pregnancy Multiple Pregnancy: Twins or More My Birth Plan Myomectomy Nipple Discharge Nipple Shields for … Tubo-Ovarian Abscess Pelvic Organ Prolapse Penile Implants for Erection Problems Personal Stories About Choosing …
Health topics
… to develop AMD than non-smokers. Other risk factors for developing AMD may include: footnote 1 Deposits at the back … with large, soft drusen deposits are at a greater risk for developing abnormal blood vessels and wet AMD. A diet high … persist for many years. Get regular exercise, and stay at a healthy weight. These choices may lower your risk of getting …
Health topics
… more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … treat autoimmune disease. Medicines taken after organ transplant. Not having a spleen. Shock is a life-threatening … treat autoimmune disease. Medicines taken after organ transplant. Not having a spleen. Shock is a life-threatening …
Health topics
… more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… such as eczema , psoriasis , or seborrheic dermatitis . Sweating. You are more likely to get swimmer's ear if: You … treat autoimmune disease. Medicines taken after organ transplant. Not having a spleen. Certain health conditions and … a variety of conditions. Medicines taken after organ transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer. Not …
Health topics
… chance of atrial fibrillation coming back by having a heart-healthy lifestyle and managing other health problems. … my symptoms for now. Candace, age 58 My doctor has been treating my atrial fibrillation with medicines. But taking … chance of atrial fibrillation coming back by having a heart-healthy lifestyle and managing other health problems. …
Health topics
… about other things you can do, such as shopping and meal planning or setting the table. Or try using simpler recipes. … about other things you can do, such as shopping and meal planning or setting the table. Or try using simpler recipes. … about other things you can do, such as shopping and meal planning or setting the table. Or try using simpler recipes. …
Health topics
… can cost a lot. It is rarely covered by provincial health plans or private health insurance. FAQs What is laser … nearsightedness include radial keratotomy, corneal ring implants, and intraocular lens implants. Talk to your doctor to see if one of these is a …
Health topics
… blood vessels ( thrombophlebitis ). If you have breast implants, there could be changes in the implant over time. Normal activity or an injury to the breast … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …