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… treatment focuses on reducing symptoms, preventing and treating the complications of the disease, and preventing … end-stage primary biliary cholangitis may need a liver transplant. But primary biliary cholangitis can recur after a liver transplant. Cirrhosis Needle Biopsy of the …
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… used in other childhood vaccines, play a role in children developing autism. There have been a lot of false claims in … Go to www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/can… to find the list. Vaccine combinations … used in other childhood vaccines, play a role in children developing autism. There have been a lot of false claims in …
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… at the bra line to make it less visible. Sometimes an implant is placed during the same surgery to make the breast … with the results. Compared to breast reconstruction with implants, tissue flap procedures require a longer surgery and … at the bra line to make it less visible. Sometimes an implant is placed during the same surgery to make the breast …
Health topics
… the doctor makes the breasts larger by putting an implant under the breast tissue and often under the chest muscle. An implant is a soft silicone shell filled with a saltwater … cut, called an incision. Then the doctor will put in the implant and adjust it to the correct shape, size, and …
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