4055 results found
Health topics
… services. Do not touch the "electrified person" with your hands . Unplug the appliance or turn off the main power … current entered the body and where it left the body. Call your doctor to discuss your burn injury. If you have a visible burn to the skin, an …
Health topics
… positional plagiocephaly. Flat head syndrome doesn't hurt your baby. And in most children it goes away on its own when … usually minor. Most of the time it's covered by hair as your child grows. What causes it? The shape of a newborn's … lies in the crib each night. For example, have your baby's feet point one way in the crib one night and then switch the …
Health topics
… liquid. The following recommendations can help you protect your child from drowning hazards. Don't leave babies and … protect against drowning. They aren't a substitute for your attention. Don't leave babies and young children alone … area. Don't dive into unknown bodies of water. Jump feet first. Don't push or jump on others while in the water. …
Health topics
… might have a backache and feel some pelvic pressure, as if your period is starting. Some women will also feel … diarrhea. You have "show" (slightly pink, vaginal mucus). Your water (amniotic sac) leaks or ruptures. Tips for you … breaks or leaks, put on a sanitary pad and call your healthcare provider. If your water leaks or breaks and the liquid …
Health topics
… package information that tells the best way to store your insulin. You can keep open bottles with you if you keep … for storing and using the insulin. Diabetes in Children: Giving Insulin Shots to a Child Diabetes: Giving Yourself an Insulin Shot Gestational …
Health topics
… Hyperparathyroidism means that one or more of your four parathyroid glands may be too active. These are … might it offer? What are the possible risks? How can you care for yourself? If you have hyperparathyroidism, use … might it offer? What are the possible risks? How can you care for yourself? If you have hyperparathyroidism, use …
Health topics
… hydrocephalus is a head that is larger than normal. You and your doctor may notice it when the baby is born or within … an injury to the brain, your doctor can help you find the care you need. Treatment will focus on the specific problems … an injury to the brain, your doctor can help you find the care you need. Treatment will focus on the specific problems …
Health topics
… What is the mind-body connection? Your mind and body are powerful allies. How you think can affect how you feel. And how you feel can affect your thinking. An example of this mind-body connection is how your body responds to stress. Constant worry and stress over …
Health topics
… sex. A vasectomy is a simple procedure. It can be done at your doctor's office or clinic. It takes about 30 minutes. … off the vas deferens. footnote 2 A vasectomy won't change your sex drive or your ability to have sex. You will still be able to enjoy …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Dupuytren's Disease: Should I Have …