503 results found
Health topics
… week . Choose drinks wisely. Use sugar-free mixers, like diet tonic or water. Pick drinks with less alcohol, like … Diabetes Educator Colleen O'Connor PhD, RD - Registered Dietitian Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: Healthwise … Diabetes Educator & Colleen O'Connor PhD, RD - Registered Dietitian This information does not replace the advice of a …
Health topics
… might have to make a few changes to follow a heart-healthy diet. The truth is that making lifestyle changes takes some … a healthy weight, don't think you have to try a radical fad diet. The best way to lose weight is to eat better and move … might have to make a few changes to follow a heart-healthy diet. The truth is that making lifestyle changes takes some …
Health topics
… Use these treatments wisely. Natural health products like dietary supplements and herbs may not be standardized in … and vitamins. They also include special foods or diets. Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, and traditional … Use these treatments wisely. Natural health products like dietary supplements and herbs may not be standardized in …
Health topics
… weight, and be more active. Work with your doctor or a dietitian to make diet changes so that your child can get proper nutrition … weight, and be more active. Work with your doctor or a dietitian to make diet changes so that your child can get …
Health topics
… including losing weight if needed, eating a healthy diet, and being more active. A doctor may prescribe … including losing weight if needed, eating a healthy diet, and being more active. A doctor may prescribe …
Health topics
… for regular dental cleanings and checkups. Eat a healthy diet, avoid sugary foods and drinks, and limit between-meal … for regular dental cleanings and checkups. Eat a healthy diet, avoid sugary foods and drinks, and limit between-meal …
Health topics
… on track with her pulmonary rehab program, medicines, and diet. She and a friend walk in the mall every morning. Sarah … on track with her pulmonary rehab program, medicines, and diet. She and a friend walk in the mall every morning. Sarah …
Health topics
… conditions. For example, starvation or very low-calorie diets decrease your BMR, because you lose muscle as well as … conditions. For example, starvation or very low-calorie diets decrease your BMR, because you lose muscle as well as …
Health topics
… intake and output. Restricting the amount of salt in your diet. Giving you medicines (diuretics) that help your … CABG surgery. When you return home, eat a heart-healthy diet. If you have not been eating this way, talk to your doctor. You also may want to talk to a dietitian. A dietitian can help you learn about healthy …
Health topics
… making the mixture thicker. As the variety in your baby's diet increases, include foods rich in vitamin C—such as … If you have a family history of allergies, talk to a dietitian, public health nurse, or your doctor. Canadian … drinks or foods. Juice is not necessary for a healthy diet. Juice does not have the valuable fibre that whole …