1925 results found
Health topics
… feeling of being isolated, or alone. It comes from a gap between the relationships you have and the ones you need or … connections. But taking small steps can make a big difference. Here are some ideas to think about. Try … connections. But taking small steps can make a big difference. Here are some ideas to think about. Try …
Health topics
… increases. This is because the meniscus is the cushion between the thigh bone and the shin bone. Without that … increases. This is because the meniscus is the cushion between the thigh bone and the shin bone. Without that …
Health topics
… the diastolic pressure. It shows how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling … the diastolic pressure. It shows how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling …
Health topics
… with another minor health problem such as a sore throat, a cold, or a sinus problem. Types of headaches Most types of … Are you having trouble drinking enough to replace the fluids you've lost? Little sips of fluid usually are not enough. You need to be able to take in …
Health topics
… Other options include: Thermal ablation. This uses extreme cold or heat to destroy tumours. Cryosurgery (or cryotherapy) is a type of ablation that uses cold. Radiofrequency ablation uses heat. Embolization. This … Other options include: Thermal ablation. This uses extreme cold or heat to destroy tumours. Cryosurgery (or …
Health topics
… positions that are most comfortable . Try to keep moving between contractions. If you're tired, rest. Continue slow … techniques . Concentrate on one contraction at a time. Sip fluids between contractions or suck on ice chips. Pee frequently. …
Health topics
… are what therapies your child may need and how to prevent colds. Early childhood concerns. Examples are how to teach … are what therapies your child may need and how to prevent colds. Early childhood concerns. Examples are how to teach …
Health topics
… dry skin, brittle nails, not being able to stand the cold, constipation, memory problems, and heavy or irregular … This condition causes swelling of tissues, increased fluid around the heart and lungs, slowed muscle reflexes, … This condition causes swelling of tissues, increased fluid around the heart and lungs, slowed muscle reflexes, …
Health topics
… around it can shorten and get weaker. Movement also pumps fluid in and out of the joint space, which helps your knee … losing extra weight, or using a cane. How to use heat or cold at home to help your pain. Ideas for activities and … around it can shorten and get weaker. Movement also pumps fluid in and out of the joint space, which helps your knee …
Health topics
… by a bright red rim. The rash is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms, including: Fatigue (the most common … by a bright red rim. The rash is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms, including: Fatigue (the most common …