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… heart attack, stable angina, heart failure, or heart valve disease. Rehab is also done after certain heart procedures … rehab if you: Have had a heart attack. Have coronary artery disease with stable angina . Have heart failure . Have had … recommending cardiac rehab. But almost everyone with heart disease or risk factors for heart disease would benefit from …
Health topics
… Information Overview Most people who develop Alzheimer's disease do not have a history of the disease in their families. But if you do have a family history of Alzheimer's disease (one or more members of a family have had the …
Health topics
… mild to severe. Sickle cell disorders include: Sickle cell disease (hemoglobin SS disease). This occurs when both genes produce hemoglobin S. Someone with this disease typically has symptoms of anemia , mild to …
Health topics
… to treat it. FAQs What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that affects your bones . It means that your bones … factor is anything that can increase your risk of getting a disease. Some risk factors you can change so that you reduce … to treat it. FAQs What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that affects your bones . It means that your bones …
Health topics
… changes According to the study, here's how the different prevention methods affect the lifespans of those with BRCA1 changes. footnote 2 Comparing prevention methods for women with BRCA1 changes Prevention method Those who live to age 70 after this method …
Health topics
… Jewish genetic panel is a test to look for certain rare diseases. These diseases occur most often in people of Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage. Most of these diseases can't be treated, and they can cause severe …
Health topics
… transmitted infections —also known as STIs or venereal diseases—are infections passed from person to person through … immune system is not as strong, so it's harder to fight off disease. And after menopause the vaginal walls thin, and you … transmitted infections —also known as STIs or venereal diseases—are infections passed from person to person through …
Health topics
… Headaches Feverfew for Migraines Headache Diary Headache Prevention: Posture and Body Mechanics Headaches Headaches … Headaches Feverfew for Migraines Headache Diary Headache Prevention: Posture and Body Mechanics Headaches Headaches …