1323 results found
Health topics
… problems, such as constipation, gallbladder disease , bowel obstruction , pancreatitis , appendicitis , gastritis , peptic ulcer disease , gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) , or diverticulitis Abdominal pain or …
Health topics
… characteristics, including risks of developing certain diseases. Certain changes in genes or chromosomes may cause … chromosomes, or proteins. These changes can be a sign of a disease or a sign of an increased risk for getting a disease. Testing may be done to: Find out if you carry a …
Health topics
… Most often, DBS is used to relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease when they can't be controlled by medicines. But it … Is Done DBS may be used to relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease , especially tremor, when they can't be controlled … It's the surgical treatment of choice for Parkinson's disease. That's because it works better, is safer, and is …
Health topics
… the signals can't be sent. For example, with Parkinson's disease, nerve cells in the brain break down and can't send … about your brain and nerve symptoms. Find out about certain diseases and disorders so you can understand the best … Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Diabetic Neuropathy Parkinson's Disease Health Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise Decision …
Health topics
… of neurological conditions that are similar to Parkinson's disease but have unique features. These syndromes can be … palsy (PSP) is a rare disorder. Like Parkinson's disease, it causes problems with balance when a person walks … The symptom that most makes PSP different from Parkinson's disease is a problem with eye movement. This occurs along …
Health topics
… to help protect you or your child from certain infectious diseases. They also help reduce the spread of disease to others and prevent epidemics. Most are given as … of a weakened or dead form of the organism that causes the disease. This amount is not enough to give you the actual …
Health topics
… early? Screening tests help your doctor look for certain diseases before any symptoms appear. Often, the earlier a disease is diagnosed, the more likely it is that it can be cured or successfully managed. When you treat a disease early, you may be able to prevent or delay problems …
Health topics
… information section Health Topics Acquired Von Willebrand Disease Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Acute Myeloid … Transplant Anemia Anemia During Pregnancy Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD) Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease Anticoagulants Antiphospholipid Syndrome and …
Health topics
… helps fight infections by attacking the germs that cause diseases. But just like with any other part of your body, … the body's own cells. This is known as an autoimmune disease. This kind of disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can be very …
Health topics
… and Triglycerides Tests Ischemia Peripheral Arterial Disease of the Legs High Cholesterol: Should I Take Statins? … and Resistance Training Cardiomyopathy Carotid Artery Disease Carotid Artery Stenting Carotid Endarterectomy … Types Congenital Heart Defects in Children Congenital Heart Disease in Adults Congenital Heart Disease: Caring for Your …