1215 results found
Health topics
… and speed healing. What to eat and drink Drink a lot of water. Suck on ice chips, or try chilled foods, such as … keep your mouth moist. How to reduce pain Use a straw for drinking liquids. Make a thin paste of baking soda and water … keep your mouth moist. How to reduce pain Use a straw for drinking liquids. Make a thin paste of baking soda and water …
Health topics
… called "crypto," is primarily transmitted by swallowing water contaminated with the feces from infected animals or humans. In addition to contaminated drinking water, recreational water from swimming pools, hot … infected animals or humans. In addition to contaminated drinking water, recreational water from swimming pools, hot …
Health topics
… the more you increase your health risk. For example: Not drinking at all has benefits, such as better health, and better sleep Drinking 2 standard drinks or less per week will likely help … is largely metabolized (broken down into carbon dioxide and water) by the liver for removal by the lungs and urine. When …
Health topics
… that may be causing your nausea. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you get enough liquids so that you don't get dehydrated. Take frequent small sips of water if a whole glass is too much. Drink fluids with your … care of yourself if you are vomiting. Rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth after you vomit. After vomiting …
Health topics
… Eye examinations can find problems early. Drink water and other fluids to prevent dehydration. Drink extra … a fever or infection. Limit alcohol. Children should keep a water bottle with them during school, play, and outings. Eat … breaks. Stay warm. Being exposed to cold air, wind, and water can trigger a sickle cell crisis. Dress children in …
Health topics
… stones form when a change occurs in the normal balance of water, salts, minerals, and other things in urine. The most common cause is not drinking enough water. Some people are more likely to get … doctor will recommend home care, such as pain medicine and drinking plenty of water. You may get a medicine to help the …
Health topics
… liver. Hepatitis A spreads when people eat food or drink water that is contaminated by stool (feces) that has the … person. It is spread when a person eats food or drinks water that has come in contact with infected stool. It also … To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel better. If you …
Health topics
… weren't cooked enough or by eating other unsafe foods or drinking unsafe water. You will probably begin to feel better in 1 or 2 … you drink. Drink fluids slowly, in frequent, small amounts. Drinking too much too fast can cause vomiting. Electrolytes …
Health topics
… and aging Last updated July 10, 2024 Research shows that drinking alcohol can contribute to chronic diseases, … driving Dealing with life changes Warning signs Overview Drinking can also make some health problems worse, for … produce less of the alcohol-digesting enzyme, have less water in their bodies to dilute the alcohol and generally …
Health topics
… Eat small meals several times a day and drink plenty of water If you're working, try to rest on your breaks and at … small, nutritious meals several times a day Drink plenty of water throughout the day Avoid activities that cause … your forehead and the back of your neck Drink two cups of water and take some acetaminophen Talk to your healthcare …