3982 results found
Health topics
… Gender dysphoria is a feeling of emotional distress because your inner sense of your gender ( gender identity ) doesn't match the sex that you were assigned at birth. For transgender and some …
Health topics
… stage of labour begins with full dilation and ends with your baby's birth. It can take anywhere from a few minutes … every two to three minutes and lasting 60 to 90 seconds. You may feel a strong urge to push or go through a short time with no contractions and no urge to push. You will have a splitting and burning sensation on your …
Health topics
… Most doctors no longer do these cuts routinely. If you need an episiotomy, your doctor or midwife will tell you. It's a good idea to talk about an episiotomy during a …
Health topics
… early, active and transition. During the early phase, you might have a backache and feel some pelvic pressure, as if your period is starting. Some women will also feel … not be regular. They may start every 10 to 20 minutes, or you may not even be aware of them at first. Early first …
Health topics
… Basics How can you break your nose? You can break your nose during play, sports, fights, and …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Counting your baby's movements is one way your doctor can tell that your baby is healthy. Most women—especially in a first …
Health topics
… flow to the heart. But the procedure is very invasive to your body for two major reasons. It involves making a large cut in your chest to expose your heart and arteries. It requires stopping your heart and …
Health topics
… updated August 5, 2013 After giving birth, the area around your vagina needs special care. Find advice on coping with … Discomfort After a vaginal delivery, the area between your legs may be sore, bruised and swollen. If you have stitches, you may experience more pain. To ease …
Health topics
… are more likely to develop emphysema and to do so at a younger-than-normal age (30 to 40 years old). AAT deficiency … is the only known genetic (inherited) factor that increases your risk of developing COPD. What puts you at risk for … DD et al. (2012). Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency targeted testing and augmentation therapy: A Canadian Thoracic …
Health topics
… the following guidelines, take into account how heavy your normal menstrual flow is. Abnormal vaginal bleeding … for a particular woman. Severe vaginal bleeding means that you are soaking 1 or 2 pads or tampons in 1 or 2 hours, unless that is normal for you. For most women, passing clots of blood from the vagina …