3982 results found
Health topics
… Center Learn about pregnancy and childbirth Whether you are thinking about getting pregnant or already are expecting, our topics on … During Pregnancy Breastfeeding Your Newborn and an Older Child Breastfeeding: Choosing a Breast Pump …
Health topics
… Surgery can be stressful. This information will help you understand what you can expect. And it will help you safely prepare for … be moved to a hospital room or you'll go home. You may get medicine or fluids through your vein ( intravenous, or …
Health topics
… a program for people who have a heart problem. It teaches you how to be more active and have a heart-healthy … a stronger heart and better health. Cardiac rehab can help you feel better and reduce your risk of future heart … Exercise is a big part of cardiac rehab. So before you get started, you may have a full checkup. This will help …
Health topics
… Overview Supportive Care Self-Care Complementary Treatments Getting Support What is … cancer can come back. If just a few cancer cells stay in your body after your first treatment, those cells can spread through the …
Health topics
… Hair loss is hair that is thinning or is falling out of your scalp. It's fairly common. Everyone loses some hair … can control, like stress or medicines, you can treat it by getting rid of the cause. Cause Common causes of hair loss … curling irons or dyes. Age. You grow less hair as you get older. Hair also gets thinner and tends to break more easily …
Health topics
… Work On this page: Overview Overview If you're going to keep breastfeeding after you return to work, it may help to plan ahead. Here are some … how to drink from a bottle or from a cup if your baby is older. If you've been breastfeeding for at least a month, …
Health topics
… of the voice box, or larynx (say "LAIR-inks"), that causes your voice to become raspy or hoarse. Laryngitis can be … symptoms are those that last 2 weeks or longer. Check with your doctor if your symptoms last longer than 2 weeks. … Age 11 and Younger Respiratory Problems, Age 12 and Older Voice Problems Current as of: March 1, 2023 …
Health topics
… used. Why It Is Done Radiation therapy may be used: If you are older than 60. For skin cancers that are too large or deep … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… isn't always able to recognize a sensation as pain. An older child may be able to describe tingling, cramping, or … be able to tell where and when the sensation occurs. When a young child is in pain, the signs can be hard to recognize. Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. …
Health topics
… in practically every human being, including babies and older adults. Types of hiccups The common type of hiccups … stops hiccups. Some of these remedies include: Holding your breath and counting slowly to 10. Quickly drinking a … before persistent or intractable hiccups are controlled. If you have hiccups that last a few days or longer, your doctor …