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Health topics
… updated December 4, 2024 Overview There’s lots to learn as you get to know your new baby. Find advice on how to provide the care your …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Muscles get stronger when they are used regularly, but especially … something. This is called "resistance." For example, you use your arm muscles when you bend your arm at the elbow. But …
Health topics
… of when and how to take medicines. And the more medicines you take, the harder it may be. Here are some ideas you can use to stay organized and track your medicines. Know … has a mail-order service for refills, it may be easier than getting to a pharmacy. You also may be able to get a 30- or …
Health topics
… Information Overview A breast pump is a device that allows you to empty milk from your breasts whenever you want to or need to. Then you can … supply. It also prevents the discomfort of your breasts getting too full of milk. You can also use a breast pump to …
Health topics
… point scale to answer the questions. 0 points means you answered "never" to the question. 1 point means you answered "less than 1 out of 5 times" to the question. 2 … to begin urination? Over the past month, have you had to get up to urinate during the night? Give a score to the …
Health topics
… page: About This Medicine About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For …
Health topics
… urge to gamble, even though it causes serious problems. You may feel that you can't control your gambling in spite of its impact on … quit or cut back on gambling. Need to gamble more money to get the same thrill. Feel restless or grumpy when you try to …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … is a syndrome or a set of symptoms that occur together. It has no cure. When it's not controlled, you may not have any energy. Or you may feel depressed or …
Health topics
… can make it harder to enjoy life. But there are ways you can learn to manage pain. And managing pain can have a … like being able to do more activities or sleep better. You may feel more able to enjoy life. Our topics can help … Active to Help Your Back Heal First Aid for Low Back Pain Get Chores Done Without Making Your Pain Worse Getting Help …
Health topics
… this common cause of infertility. What type of surgery you have depends on where and how much the fallopian tube is … tube. What To Expect After open abdominal surgery, you most likely will have a 2- to 3-day hospital stay. You … Works Fallopian tube procedures can improve the chance of getting pregnant for some people. The chance of getting …