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3982 results found
Health topics
… Preventing Poisoning in Young Children On this page: Overview Overview If you have a possible poisoning emergency, call 9-1-1 or your … could swallow, inhale, or eat these toxic substances or get them on his or her skin. Young children have the highest …
Health topics
… the ovaries from releasing an egg each month (ovulation). You have to take a pill every day to prevent pregnancy. The … of sugar pills. The sugar pills don't contain any hormones. You have your period on that week. But other packs have no … is called continuous use. With this method, you will not get your period as often. Or you may not get it at all. How …
Health topics
… Smoking On this page: Overview Overview What would motivate you to quit smoking? Take a moment to fill out the smoker's self-test. Be honest when you answer the questions. You may discover that you have … _____I worry about becoming a burden to my family if I get sick due to smoking. Add any other concerns you have …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview You may need surgery for severe gum disease ( periodontitis … removes and reshapes loose, diseased gum tissue to get rid of pockets between the teeth and gums. A gum … the procedure. The doctor will start by numbing (freezing) your gums with a local anesthetic . The doctor may use a …
Health topics
… when its result will help inform decisions about your treatment or care. For more information about who needs … could be signs of other conditions or medical issues and you may need to seek medical care, even if it's not related … up a test kit for you. A positive test is acceptable for getting treatment if you are eligible. Learn more about how …
Health topics
… cope with a strong temptation to smoke is to quickly remove yourself from the situation that is causing the temptation. Don't worry about "how it will look" if you leave a party, wedding reception, or public function to … to smoke, choose a non-alcoholic drink. Call a friend to get support. Get moving. Take a walk or jog. Practice …
Health topics
… Many parents worry about their child being abducted. You can teach your child how to reduce the risk of being abducted. Even … from anyone who is following you on foot or in a car. Don't get close to them. And don't feel as though you must answer …
Health topics
… stiff and doesn't open as wide as it should. This forces your heart to work harder to pump blood through the valve, … valve. What are the symptoms? Symptoms may not appear until you've had mitral valve stenosis for many years. An early … smoke too. Eat heart-healthy foods. These foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, lean meat, fish, and whole …
Health topics
… it? Most of the time, tennis elbow is caused by overuse. You probably got it from doing activities where you twist … you may need an X-ray or other tests if your symptoms don't get better with treatment. How is tennis elbow treated? Most … the injury. Pale or bluish skin. The injured arm feeling colder to the touch than the uninjured one. Call your doctor …
Health topics
… various trusted sources throughout British Columbia, in your local Health Authority area, and across Canada. This section of our website brings together all of these alerts in one location. Heath … health authority specific information. These resources help you get access to the information and services where you