3982 results found
Health topics
… surgery. It redirects blood around blocked blood vessels in your lower leg or foot. It is often done if you have pain. Or it may be done if you have foot sores … or foot. You will be asleep during the surgery. Or you will get medicine to numb your lower body and prevent pain. The …
Health topics
… from becoming worse. A comfortable, well-fitted shoe offers you the best chance of: Relieving pain in the foot or toe … or joint problem. Preventing a foot or toe problem from getting worse. Preventing a toe joint problem from returning … after corrective surgery. Before shopping for shoes for your foot problem, ask your foot doctor for recommendations. …
Health topics
… aren't violent. But if violence is likely, they need help. Getting help is a way to protect the person or those around … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… pink eye (conjunctivitis) or toxic pink eye is caused by getting smoke, liquids, fumes, or chemicals in the eye. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… in children is often treated with surgery. This helps make your child's knee stable. And it may help them get back to being as active as they were before the injury. … But with surgery, there is a small risk of an injury to your child's growing bone. Sometimes, especially if your …
Health topics
… for dealing with stress, tension, or depression. The relief you get from smoking comes from the act of taking time out to smoke and from the actions of nicotine in your brain. If you return to the stressful situation after …
Health topics
… Floaters are spots, specks, and lines that float through your field of vision. Flashes are brief sparkles or lightning streaks that are easiest to see when your eyes are closed. They often appear at the edges of your … have new and sudden loss of side (peripheral) vision that gets worse over time. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose …
Health topics
… is surgery that joins two or more of the vertebrae in your neck . When these bones are joined together, it's called fusion. After the joints are fused, they … surgery, the doctor uses bone to make a "bridge" between your vertebrae . This bridge may be strengthened with metal …
Health topics
… who has AIDS can be a stressful and emotional experience. You may feel frustrated if the person doesn't want to take all of the medicine prescribed or if he or she doesn't get better despite your efforts. To help manage feelings of frustration, share …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your pregnancy is progressing without problems, it's okay to have vaginal intercourse. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns or questions. Sex during … avoid sexual contact. While condoms can reduce the risk of getting an STI, the best way to protect you and your baby is …