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Health topics
… it can also happen to other toes. An ingrown toenail can get infected. It may be painful, red, and swollen, and it … likely to get an ingrown toenail. This is more common in older adults. What causes it? An ingrown toenail can have a number of different causes. Cutting your toenail too short or rounding the edge of the nail can …
Health topics
… summer than winter. Children ages 2 to 4 are most likely to get the condition. What causes it? Shigellosis is spread … and stomach cramps usually starting 1 to 3 days after you are exposed to the bacteria. Shigellosis usually lasts … 4 to 7 days. In some people, especially young children and older adults, the diarrhea can be so severe that a hospital …
Health topics
… Information What are erection problems? You have erection problems if you can't get or keep an erection that is firm enough for you to have … dysfunction or impotence. They are more common as you get older. But there are treatments that can help. What causes …
Health topics
… to the parents' age, race, or family history. If the babies you're carrying are identical, the siblings: Are all of the … your chance of a multiple pregnancy include being age 35 or older or having fraternal twins on your side of the family. … , a problem that causes your blood pressure to get too high. Gestational diabetes , a type of diabetes that …
Health topics
… happens when too much iron builds up in the body. Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of your … hereditary or primary hemochromatosis. But people sometimes get it from having a lot of blood transfusions , certain … Symptoms often don't appear until a person is age 40 or older. This is because extra iron builds up slowly …
Health topics
… Zika are most active during the day but can bite at night. You're more likely to get the virus if you travel to parts of the world where it's … use a repellent that contains 10% or less DEET on children older than 6 months. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding …
Health topics
… On this page: Health Tools Cause Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Exams … Overview Supportive Care Self-Care Complementary Treatments Getting Support Condition … occurs on the back, head and neck, or arms and legs. In older people, the face, neck, scalp, and ears are common …
Health topics
… Floaters are small spots or specks that "float" across your field of vision. Before a migraine headache, flashes of light or zigzag lines may occur with other symptoms. If you have had floaters before, or if flashes of light are … vessels of the head, neck, and eye. Vision problems in older adults Some of the common vision problems that occur …
Health topics
… spells? Breath-holding spells are brief periods when young children stop breathing for up to 1 minute. These … breath-holding spells. Spells will go away as your child gets older. If your doctor thinks that a medical condition is …
Health topics
… to a bony mound in the knee called the tibial tubercle . Older children and teenagers often get Osgood-Schlatter disease during a growth spurt. Certain young athletes, such as runners, gymnasts, and those who …