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Health topics
… early. The longer it goes on, the more likely it is to cause long-term hip problems. What causes it? The exact cause … of the hip (DDH) is not known. But some things can raise your child's chances of having it, including: Having a … Ages 1 to 12 Months Growth and Development, Newborn Health Screening: Finding Health Problems Early Hip …
Health topics
… After a major loss, you may feel insecure due to changes in your finances, family relationships, and support systems. It … in your life. Ask for help when you need it. If you're confused or can't seem to get things done, reach out to people … someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of …
Health topics
… disc disease isn't really a disease. It's a term used to describe the normal changes in your spinal discs as you age. Spinal discs are small, spongy … is taken for another reason, such as an injury or other health problem. But even if the doctor finds degenerative …
Health topics
… often affects children ages 6 to 12 years old. It can cause brain swelling and liver damage. It may be related to … worse, other symptoms may develop, including: Confusion. Your child may not know where he or she is, recognize family … about your child's symptoms, recent aspirin use, and past health problems. Your child may need tests such as blood and …
Health topics
… "jee-ar-DYE-uh-sus") is an infection of the intestines caused by the parasite Giardia lamblia . The illness is also … For example, if you change a diaper and don't wash your hands afterward, anything or anyone you touch could get … Your doctor will also ask questions about your past health and do a physical examination. In some cases, you may …
Health topics
… for a specific medication (example: acetaminophen) or health concern (example: back pain), enter your search term in the search box below. To browse for the …
Health topics
… for a while, you will find helpful information here. These health topics will teach you about the disease and give you … COPD flare-ups COPD: avoiding weight Loss COPD: avoiding your triggers COPD: help for caregivers Nebulizer for COPD …
Health topics
… indicators. You may feel a brief sharp pain on one side of your lower abdomen, or notice an increase in vaginal … fertile, or when you are most likely to become pregnant, use the interactive tool: When are you most fertile? If you … are pregnant (positive test), you should speak with your health professional to confirm the results and arrange …
Health topics
… them directly in the ground. It's easier this way, because she doesn't have to bend down too low to care for them, … under control with over-the-counter pain medicine, natural health products, massage, and acupuncture. But massage and … says that it's important to get involved and learn about your health problem. She encourages people to stay active, …
Health topics
… Sodium Record On this page: Overview Overview Use a form to record the sodium content of the foods you eat … you are getting the prescribed daily amount of sodium in your diet. Make a chart with 3 columns and as many rows you … in the meal. Take this record with you when you visit your health professional. See the example below. My doctor …