1205 results found
Health topics
… disease . It causes tissue to thicken beneath the skin in the palm of the hand or hands and sometimes in the soles of the feet. Over time, the thickened skin and tendons (palmar fascia) may limit movement or cause … damage to nerves of the hand . Pregnancy may cause redness, itching, swelling, numbness, or tingling that often goes …
Health topics
… Many people with asthma have symptoms when they exercise. Dry, cold air. Medicines, such as aspirin, non-steroidal … are high. Try not to exercise outside when it's cold and dry. If you're outdoors in cold weather, wear a scarf around … Many people with asthma have symptoms when they exercise. Dry, cold air. Medicines, such as aspirin, non-steroidal …
Health topics
… Using an Asthma Action Plan . Breathing Problems: Using a Dry Powder Inhaler . Breathing Problems: Using a … Inhaler and Mask Spacer Breathing Problems: Using a Dry Powder Inhaler Breathing Problems: Using a Metered-Dose … Using an Asthma Action Plan . Breathing Problems: Using a Dry Powder Inhaler . Breathing Problems: Using a …
Health topics
… Snuff is finely cut or ground tobacco. It may be moist or dry. Moist snuff and snus may be sold loose in cans or … tea bags. It's placed between the lip or cheek and the gum. Dry snuff may be sniffed or put in the mouth. Chewing … Snuff is finely cut or ground tobacco. It may be moist or dry. Moist snuff and snus may be sold loose in cans or …
Health topics
… Also, the parent or child may keep a chart or calendar of dry, wet, and wet-spot nights to encourage the child. The … alarm if: Treatment is continued until the child has been dry every night in a row for at least 2 weeks. It can take … Also, the parent or child may keep a chart or calendar of dry, wet, and wet-spot nights to encourage the child. The …
Health topics
… and change clothing after you work or play outside. And dry your clothes in a vented dryer. Do not dry them outside on a clothesline. Mould Mould may cause …
Health topics
… what you eat, avoiding certain foods and smells, and asking your doctor about medicines you can try. How can you … any fluids. You have symptoms of dehydration, such as: Dry eyes and a dry mouth. Passing only a little dark urine. Feeling …
Health topics
… need to be checked by your doctor. Problems with the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis. Conditions that make it hard to pull the foreskin back from the head of the penis ( phimosis ) or that prevent a tightened, retracted foreskin from returning to its normal position over the head of …
Health topics
… Swollen glands. Muscle aches. Fatigue. Fever. Sore throat. Skin rash. How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed? A blood test can … Swollen glands. Muscle aches. Fatigue. Fever. Sore throat. Skin rash. How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed? A blood test can …
Health topics
… Colds and flu Difference between influenza (flu) and a cold Dry coughs Common questions about the influenza (flu) …