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1205 results found
Health topics
… include hot flashes , trouble sleeping, and vaginal dryness. You may have only a few mild symptoms. Or you might … may include: Hot flashes. Trouble sleeping. Vaginal dryness. Symptoms related to mood and thinking may also … other symptoms. These include drying and thinning of the skin, and vaginal and urinary tract changes. What Happens In …
Health topics
… of ultraviolet (UV) light to slow the rapid growth of new skin cells and to decrease inflammation. This is helpful in … , which causes inflammation and the rapid growth of skin cells. There are different types of UV light therapy. … used with psoralen. Psoralen is a medicine that makes your skin more sensitive to light. This treatment is called PUVA. …
Health topics
… call your doctor. Talk to your child's doctor before switching back and forth between doses of acetaminophen and … Store medicines properly. Always store medicines in a cool, dry place or as it says on the label. Keep all medicines in … doctor first. Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, for example), are sometimes used in cold medicines, so …
Health topics
… very sleepy and hard to wake up. The baby may have a very dry mouth and very dry eyes (no tears). The baby may have no wet diapers in 12 … may have no wet diapers in 6 hours. The baby may have a dry mouth and dry eyes (fewer tears than usual). Mild …
Health topics
… very sleepy and hard to wake up. The baby may have a very dry mouth and very dry eyes (no tears). The baby may have no wet diapers in 12 … may have no wet diapers in 6 hours. The baby may have a dry mouth and dry eyes (fewer tears than usual). Mild …
Health topics
… changes These may include: Red eyes, a sore throat, a dry cough, and feeling tired. Needle marks on the arm or … changes These may include: Red eyes, a sore throat, a dry cough, and feeling tired. Needle marks on the arm or …
Health topics
… decongestants, and medicated nasal sprays that dry the tissue of the nose and sinuses. Recurring nosebleeds … decongestants, and medicated nasal sprays that dry the tissue of the nose and sinuses. Recurring nosebleeds …
Health topics
… mouthpiece or face mask. Use warm, soapy water. Let it air dry. After every few uses, follow the product directions to … mouthpiece or face mask. Use warm, soapy water. Let it air dry. After every few uses, follow the product directions to …
Health topics
… each day, not having bowel movements at night, and having a dry diaper after a nap or for at least 2 hours at a time. … each day, not having bowel movements at night, and having a dry diaper after a nap or for at least 2 hours at a time. …
Health topics
… These ultraviolet rays are the main causes of damage to the skin from the sun. UVA and UVB rays affect the skin's sensitivity to sun exposure in different ways. UVA … all day and every day of the year Penetrates deep into skin layers Is 20 times more abundant than UVB rays Causes …