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1205 results found
Health topics
… has been damaged. A cut (incision) is made through the skin into the belly, and the intestine is stretched out and … collects in an odour-proof plastic pouch fastened to the skin. Talk with your doctor about how to care for your child … has been damaged. A cut (incision) is made through the skin into the belly, and the intestine is stretched out and …
Health topics
… The decision to close a wound with stitches, staples, or skin adhesive depends on: The type of biting animal. The … treatment should be stitched, stapled, or closed with skin adhesives (also called liquid stitches) within 6 to 8 … stitched. These bites carry a high risk of infection, and stitching the wound further increases the likelihood of …
Health topics
… in any areas where you have visible tumours, open wounds, skin that is tender from radiation, or a blood clot in a … Acupuncture. Very thin needles are inserted into the skin at certain points on the body. Biofeedback. This method … in any areas where you have visible tumours, open wounds, skin that is tender from radiation, or a blood clot in a …
Health topics
… an umbilical hernia: You may notice a soft bulge under the skin of the belly button. The doctor can push part of the … if the hernia was very large or there was a lot of extra skin). Problems from umbilical hernia repair are rare. Your … an umbilical hernia: You may notice a soft bulge under the skin of the belly button. The doctor can push part of the …
Health topics
… reduce your pain. You may shower as usual. Pat the incision dry when you are done. You will have some vaginal bleeding. … off. Wash the area daily with warm, soapy water, and pat it dry. Other cleaning products, such as hydrogen peroxide, can … Change the bandage every day. Keep the area clean and dry. For information about how a caesarean affects future …
Health topics
… will have scars where the doctor made the incisions in your skin. The skin on your breasts may be numb. This usually gets better … Less common risks include infection, blood under the skin (hematoma), and abnormal scarring. There is also a …
Health topics
… you would expect for the kind of injury you may have had. Skin that may be blotchy or shiny. Skin that may feel hotter or colder than other areas of your … examination. The examination may include touching your skin or bending your joints in the area that hurts. Your …
Health topics
… and tolterodine. They may cause side effects like dry mouth and constipation. Drugs that help the bladder … and tolterodine. They may cause side effects like dry mouth and constipation. Drugs that help the bladder …
Health topics
… with Toxoplasma gondii . Keep the cat indoors, and feed it dry or canned cat food. Cats can become infected by eating … with Toxoplasma gondii . Keep the cat indoors, and feed it dry or canned cat food. Cats can become infected by eating …
Health topics
… overnight. Don't put them in hot water, and don't let them dry out. Clean your dentures to help prevent stains and help … overnight. Don't put them in hot water, and don't let them dry out. Clean your dentures to help prevent stains and help …