1784 results found
Health topics
… from time to time. Menstrual cramps can occur during or just before your period. The pain from these … fainting, diarrhea, or constipation with your cramps. During the menstrual cycle, the lining of the uterus … that isn't caused by a medical problem. It often starts during the teen years, when periods first start. But the …
Health topics
… death. Your doctor will put the pacemaker in your chest during minor surgery. You won't have open-chest surgery. … a pacemaker for heart failure had to go into the hospital during the study because of heart failure. But 27 out of 100 … of 100 people who got a pacemaker for heart failure died during the study, compared with 16 out of 100 who got only …
Health topics
… Overview What are your responsibilities during your recovery from bypass surgery? You have several … to keep all of your medical information together and handy during your recovery, including: Self-care instructions. … for the incision (sternotomy) made to open your chest during CABG surgery. Because it is so important that this …
Health topics
… These side effects usually go away 2 or 3 days later. During the donation Donations are done in a blood centre or … takes from 4 to 5 hours. You won't be able to move around during that time. It's not unusual to feel light-headed, … numbness around your lips, or have cramping in your hands during the donation. The donation may need to be repeated …
Health topics
… it hard for you to get pregnant, or it can cause problems during a pregnancy. Over time, the size, shape, location, … grow. Your body makes the highest levels of these hormones during the years you have periods. After menopause, when … during a past pregnancy, such as miscarriage or preterm labour. Problems with the urinary tract or bowels. Depending …
Health topics
… Down syndrome. Taking some prescription or other medicines during pregnancy may cause congenital heart defects. Women who use illegal "street" drugs or who drink alcohol during pregnancy have a higher risk of having a baby with a … most cases, congenital heart defects are found at birth or during a baby's first few months. A newborn screening test …
Health topics
… this page and fill in the following information before and during your appointment to follow up on a health problem. … appointment? What questions or concerns do I want addressed during this appointment? Do I have any new symptoms? Yes ___ … this page and fill in the following information before and during your appointment to follow up on a health problem. …
Health topics
… lifestyle. Make sure to follow these general sleep tips. During the day Don't drink liquids that have caffeine … use tobacco, especially near bedtime or if you wake up during the night. Nicotine is a stimulant, which means it … . Take a warm bath. Play a quiet game, or read a book. During the night Reduce noise in the house, or mask it with …
Health topics
… What types of patients does the doctor see? What can you do during your first visit? During your first visit, tell your doctor that you would … making treatment decisions. Pay attention to how you feel during the visit. Think about these questions: Does the …
Health topics
… a good breastfeeding routine. Minor problems may occur during breastfeeding. But with proper planning, knowledge, … and know where to get help and support. Make plans during pregnancy Plan ahead for breastfeeding while you are … soon after you deliver. A baby is typically very alert during the first couple of hours after birth. This is the …