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Health topics
… Each stage has a different set of symptoms. Primary stage During the primary stage of syphilis, one or more sores … but can range from 10 to 90 days. A person is contagious during the primary stage and can easily pass the infection … can still pass the infection to others. Secondary stage During secondary syphilis, a person is contagious. A rash …
Health topics
… straightening of the penis, the curvature is most obvious during an erection. The curvature may cause pain for the … or it may be so severe that it prevents penetration during intercourse. Peyronie's disease usually affects men … the scarring may be caused by minor injuries to the penis during sexual intercourse. Peyronie's disease is not caused …
Health topics
… volume (FEV) measures how much air a person can exhale during a forced breath. The amount of air exhaled may be measured during the first (FEV1), second (FEV2), and/or third seconds … vital capacity (FVC) is the total amount of air exhaled during the FEV test. Forced expiratory volume and forced …
Health topics
… well to support your health after a cancer diagnosis and during treatment: Eating guidelines for after a cancer diagnosis Eating well during cancer treatment Nutrition resources, common … colon and bladder cancers. Being physically active before, during and/or after cancer treatment can counteract the …
Health topics
… team member has a specific set of responsibilities before, during, and after the surgery. CABG surgery is a complex … precision. The medical professionals in the operating room during your surgery will be specially trained in performing … and monitor your anesthesia, medicines, and vital signs during the surgery. Nursing team: Specially trained nurses …
Health topics
… for children. You can help your child feel safe and calm during medical tests if you understand why your child is … leave the room and then have an assistant hold your child during the test. Do your best to comfort your child after … or test. Try using distraction to help your child during a test. Bring your child's favourite toy or quietly …
Health topics
… usually don't cause symptoms. They are most often found during routine screening tests for colorectal cancer. A … looks. How are they diagnosed? Most colon polyps are found during tests for colorectal cancer. These tests include … , and CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) . Polyps found during a colonoscopy can often be removed during the test. …
Health topics
… Information Overview Teens' biological clocks change during puberty. Adolescents and teens tend to fall asleep … may: Have trouble getting up in the morning. Fall asleep during the day. Feel tired and grumpy during the day. Teenagers need about 10 hours of sleep each …
Health topics
… / training heart rate) - The rate your heart should beat during exercise in order to get the most improvement in … your target heart rate, use the following equations: During light intensity activity - Target heart rate is between 45% and 54% of your HRmax During moderate intensity activity - Target heart rate is …
Health topics
… air when sucking, or you may not be burping the baby enough during feedings. Fever will sometimes cause a baby to spit … at each feeding. Feed your baby slowly. Hold your baby during feedings. Don't prop your baby's bottle. Don't place your baby in an infant seat during feedings. Try a new type of bottle or use a nipple …