1784 results found
Health topics
… Gonorrhea is caused by a type of bacteria. It can be spread during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. If you're pregnant and infected, you can pass it to your baby during delivery. Anyone who has gonorrhea can pass it on, … disease (PID). Symptoms can include lower belly pain, pain during sex, vaginal bleeding, and a fever. You can spread …
Health topics
… tissues of the upper jaw and nose don't join as expected during fetal development. This causes a split (cleft) in the … It's important to take good care of yourself before and during your pregnancy so that your baby will be as healthy … there is also a cleft palate. Sometimes a fetal ultrasound during pregnancy can detect a cleft lip. But an ultrasound …
Health topics
… who is not in a car seat can be badly injured or killed during a crash or an abrupt stop. This can happen even at … arms are not strong enough to hold and protect a baby during a crash. Many children who are not restrained die because they are torn from an adult's arms during a crash. For every ride in a car, make sure your …
Health topics
… for 3 weeks in a row and then go without a ring for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Or you may use the … using a vaginal hormonal ring . Usually, a ring is started during one of the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle . The … isn't critical for it to work. The ring is left in place during sexual intercourse. Leave the ring in place for 3 …
Health topics
… for yourself at home? For your eyes Use artificial tears during the day. If one brand doesn't work, try another. Try … may want to avoid eye makeup. For your mouth Drink fluids during the day to keep your mouth moist. Try drinking small … on the label. Use moisturizing skin creams or ointments during the day. Use only moisturizing soaps while bathing. …
Health topics
… A headache, which is usually throbbing. It gets worse during the night and when you wake up. Not feeling like … energy to eat, dress yourself, or do anything. Waking up during the night and not sleeping well. Feeling dizzy. Your … at an altitude that is lower than the altitude you were at during the day. For example, if you ski at 3,000 m (9,500 …
Health topics
… To prevent this, teach your child these tips. Do activities during the coolest parts of the day. Drink water throughout the day, every day. Drink extra water before, during, and after exercise. Take breaks and drink at least every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. Stop and rest if you get dizzy or …
Health topics
… drinks can also restore carbohydrate that the body uses during activity. Sports drinks often contain carbohydrate in … drinks useful? Water is usually the best choice before, during, and after physical activity. But a sports drink may be useful if you sweat a lot during activities that are intense or last a long time. For …
Health topics
… nipple and the area around it. You will probably be asleep during surgery. You may be able to go home the same day. … Breast cancer screening Breast implants may cause problems during mammograms. Having implants may make it harder to … tissue. This may make the mammogram harder to interpret. During a mammogram, the breast has to be squeezed tightly to …
Health topics
… because of mouth soreness. Children sometimes drool more during this time. The drool may cause a rash on the chin, … eat and drink because their mouths hurt. Many babies drool during teething, which can cause a rash on the chin, face, … Checkups All children need early and regular dental care. During routine checkups visits the doctor will check your …