1783 results found
Health topics
… points to remember Circumcision is surgery. It causes pain during and after the procedure. After the foreskin is … in his first month, medicine may be used to numb the penis during circumcision. Your baby will probably be awake for … the same day he is circumcised. Your baby may have pain during and after surgery. The pain usually lasts 3 or 4 days …
Health topics
… as sudden, unplanned displays of anger or other emotions. During a tantrum, children often whine, cry, or scream. They … deal with their emotions. Tantrums that continue or start during the school years may be a sign of learning problems … tantrums often. Your child gets violent or destroys things during tantrums. You have problems handling your child's …
Health topics
… make a man sterile, or not able to make a woman pregnant. During the procedure, a doctor cuts or blocks the tubes, … a woman's egg to make a baby when ejaculation occurs during sex. A vasectomy is a simple procedure. It can be … You may have mild aching now and then in your testicles during sexual arousal for a few months after the surgery. …
Health topics
… the risk of anemia . Fewer or no periods. Reduced pain during ovulation. Reduced risk of pelvic inflammatory … (especially with shot or implant). Reduced cramps and pain during ovulation. Shot reduces bleeding with periods, which … diabetes more likely if you have had gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Progestin-only pills are less effective …
Health topics
… about 1 out of 4 children who wet the bed at night also wet during the day. footnote 1 Understanding daytime accidental … themselves if they move. If a child has accidental wetting during the day, it can affect his or her performance in … more often. Have your child use the toilet every hour during the day. Encourage your child to take extra time on …
Health topics
… . This affects the way a baby's body and brain develop during pregnancy and after birth. Doctors don't know for … chromosome changes the way a baby's body and brain develop during pregnancy and after birth. The extra chromosome that … and Tests Your doctor may suggest that you have tests during pregnancy to find out if your baby has Down syndrome. …
Health topics
… What Happens Diabetic retinopathy begins as a mild disease. During the early stage of the disease, the small blood … diabetes are at increased risk of developing retinopathy during pregnancy. In women who already have retinopathy when … they become pregnant, the condition can become much worse during pregnancy. Consistently high blood sugar. High blood …
Health topics
… The endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus. During each menstrual cycle, a new lining grows, getting … for a possible pregnancy. If you don't become pregnant during that cycle, the lining sheds. This is your menstrual … a few days before your menstrual period. It may get better during your period. But if an implant grows in a sensitive …
Health topics
… medicines that block the hormones that cause body changes during puberty. They can delay development of physical … Children and teens grow and develop quickly. Before and during puberty, they may feel more like one gender some of … medicines that block the hormones that cause body changes during puberty. They can delay development of physical …
Health topics
… that causes very severe coughing that may last for months. During bursts of violent coughing, you may make a noise that … are rapid and are followed by a "whoop" sound. Vomiting during or after coughing fits. Exhaustion after coughing … that causes very severe coughing that may last for months. During bursts of violent coughing, you may make a noise that …