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Health topics
… abuse, or neglect. The person who does it may be a caregiver, a family member, a spouse, or a friend. Elder abuse … the breasts or genital area. Venereal disease or genital infections that can't be explained. Vaginal or anal bleeding … of the older person's signature being forged. Sudden appearance of relatives who have not been involved before. …
Health topics
… skin. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly at night, and wear thin cotton gloves to bed. This is helpful for very dry … all instructions on the label. Cut your nails short or wear gloves at night to prevent scratching. Wear loose and … and feet don't get too dry. Take care of rashes or fungal infections, like athlete's foot. If they don't clear up with …
Health topics
… any brand names. Some DMARDs are taken as pills, some are given as shots, and others are injected into a vein … prevent joint damage and disability when they are started early. DMARDs are used to treat conditions such as: … system, you may have a higher chance of getting certain infections and certain cancers. General cautions for all …
Health topics
… can help fit you for the right size. A cap lasts for 1 year. How well does it work? How well the cap works depends … had a baby by a vaginal birth. If you have had a vaginal childbirth: When the cap is used exactly as directed , it is … The cap doesn't protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These include herpes and HIV. If you're …
Health topics
… Shrink the testicles. Cause you not to be able to father children. Enlarge the breasts. In women, anabolic steroids … women, anabolic steroids can cause: High blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke. Higher levels of bad cholesterol ( … a pill. Oily skin, acne, and male-pattern hair loss. Skin infections that can become severe if the drug was tainted …
Health topics
… other problems related to your SCI. And it helps you relearn how to do daily tasks, sometimes by using different … handle problems such as pressure injuries , urinary tract infections , and muscle spasticity . Do daily tasks. These … SCI most often takes place in a special centre. You'll be given a plan designed for your recovery. This plan will help …
Health topics
… Heart Attack: How to Prevent Another One On this page: … Overview Overview After you've had a heart attack, you may be worried that you could have another … with alcohol or drug use, talk to your doctor. Avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Get …
Health topics
… surgery works very well to improve blood flow to the heart. But the procedure is very invasive to your body for … involves making a large cut in your chest to expose your heart and arteries. It requires stopping your heart and … your whole heart. This means you have a lower risk of infection. You also do not have a large scar like you would …
Health topics
… up of cells that produce colour (pigment). A mole can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups. Most people get a few moles during their first 20 years of life. They are usually brown in colour but can be … lotions and pastes to remove moles, may cause bleeding, infection, and scarring. It's important that your doctor …
Health topics
… exposed skin, even when it's cloudy. Use SPF 30 or higher. Wear UV-blocking sunglasses. Avoid tanning booths and … safer sex helps prevent HPV , a sexually transmitted infection that can cause cervical cancer. Get regular … cancer. Most screenings and checkups are to find cancer early, when it's easier to treat and may even be curable. …