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Health topics
… birthing centres offer tubs or whirlpools for labour. If yours does, talk to your doctor or midwife about labouring in water. The warm … footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to push your baby out, you will have help getting out of the tub. …
Health topics
… a condition called aortic valve stenosis, the valve between your heart and the large blood vessel that carries blood to … Your groin may have a bruise and feel sore for a few days. You can do light activities around the house. But … symptoms during their pregnancy. footnote 2 After the baby is born, the aortic valve may be replaced. Older adults …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … who plan to have children or are pregnant. If you or your partner has a grandparent with this heritage or a … your doctor about genetic counselling and screening your baby. Your baby may be tested using a sample of your blood …
Health topics
… Overview Childbirth and breastfeeding may affect your sexual desire. Exhaustion, breast soreness, your baby's demands, and recovery from childbirth may reduce your
Health topics
… birth, low birth weight, and health problems for you and your babies. And it raises the risk of one or more of the babies having a disability. Talk to your doctor about how you can increase your chances of conception and decrease the chances of …
Health topics
… A birthmark is a coloured mark on or under a newborn baby's skin. Some birthmarks show up soon after a baby is … Some birthmarks are smooth, and some are raised or lumpy. Nearly all birthmarks are harmless and painless. But it's … as propranolol or corticosteroids. Laser therapy. Surgery. Your options will depend on the type of birthmark, where it …
Health topics
… amounts, caffeine is considered safe for the developing baby. But if you're pregnant, it's a good idea to keep your caffeine intake below 300 mg (about 2 cups of coffee) a … sugars can also lead to dental problems. Withdrawal. When your body gets used to a lot of caffeine and then you stop …
Health topics
… of asthma can vary, and asthma often requires changes in your treatment to control it. To ensure that you are getting … daytime asthma symptoms, nighttime awakenings, and symptoms early in the morning that do not get better with medicine. … daytime asthma symptoms, nighttime awakenings, and symptoms early in the morning that do not get better with medicine. …
Health topics
… You may be very nervous and may actually feel sick to your stomach. Some people become so nervous that they just … visit at a time when you are not rushed or under pressure. Early morning, late afternoon, or Saturday may be the best … visit at a time when you are not rushed or under pressure. Early morning, late afternoon, or Saturday may be the best …
Health topics
… a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste up to age 3. Ask your dentist if this is right for your child. Use a … away. Fluorosis Too much fluoride swallowed during the early childhood years may cause white, brown, or black spots … away. Fluorosis Too much fluoride swallowed during the early childhood years may cause white, brown, or black spots …