3985 results found
Health topics
… change. Or maybe you're nervous or worried that you'll let yourself and others down if you don't succeed. You're not … doesn't include events that can trigger slip-ups, like holidays, social events, and high-stress times. Reward yourself … doesn't include events that can trigger slip-ups, like holidays, social events, and high-stress times. Reward yourself …
Health topics
… need to have tests to see how well the donor kidney matches your tissue type and blood type. To do the surgery, the … new kidney can take over. You will probably spend 5 to 10 days in the hospital. The doctor will remove the stitches or … work you do and how you feel. What To Expect Within a few days, you may start to feel much better than you did before. …
Health topics
… to the other eye. If you think you have pink eye, call your doctor to find out the best way to treat it. And if you … antibiotic treatment, symptoms usually go away in 2 to 3 days. But antibiotics only work for bacterial pink eye, not … eye . Viral pink eye often improves on its own in 7 to 10 days. But it can last longer. If your symptoms last longer, …
Health topics
… is opened so the doctor can see and work on the aorta. Your aorta is a large artery that carries blood from your … anesthesia is used for this surgery. You may spend several days in the hospital. You will need to take it easy for at … for a surgery. If you are able and willing to have the yearly tests that are needed after endovascular repair. …
Health topics
… or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then placing your hand in your mouth. Having direct contact with someone … Keep your child at home while they are sick and for a few days after feeling better. That's when the virus most likely … Most norovirus infections are mild and pass in a few days. So most people do not go to their doctors for a …
Health topics
… toilet seats. The following preventive steps can eliminate your risk of getting HIV from someone you are caring for. … with HIV. Also, cover any cuts, sores, or breaks in your exposed skin. Wear rubber gloves when cleaning articles … who becomes infected with CMV may give the virus to her baby. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) …
Health topics
… fish, and ready-to-eat foods within 2 hours. Make sure your refrigerator is set at 4°C (40°F) or colder. Prepare foods safely. Wash your hands before and after handling food. Also wash them … infection Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can put your baby at risk for serious problems. Infection usually occurs …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview When you test your blood sugar, you learn your blood sugar level at that … on the system, you may need to change the sensor every few days. Some systems have sensors that last 10 days. Some CGMs will require that you prick your finger to …
Health topics
… Risks Surgery Overview Rhinoplasty is surgery to reshape your nose. It can be done to improve your appearance, fix a … your eyes and nose will be bruised and swollen for several days. Cold compresses can help minimize the swelling and … may also recommend pain medicine. It takes about 10 to 14 days before most of the swelling and bruising improves. You …
Health topics
… The pain usually starts right before or at the beginning of your period. During this time, you may also have headaches, … body works. To help relieve menstrual cramps: Apply heat to your abdomen with a heating pad or hot water bottle, or take … the pain as well as medicine does. Lie down and elevate your legs by putting a pillow under your knees. Lie on your …