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3985 results found
Health topics
… exercises. You can also try techniques that help you relax your jaw muscles. Exercise Try a gentle exercise to restore … improve flexibility, and strengthen the jaw muscles. Your doctor, dentist, or physiotherapist can recommend … additional exercises. Do not do this exercise when your pain is severe or if it makes your pain worse. While …
Health topics
… cramps (dysmenorrhea) can occur during or just before your period. The cramping can involve your lower belly, … before your period. Keep taking the medicine for as many days as you have cramps. If anti-inflammatory medicines … before your period. Keep taking the medicine for as many days as you have cramps. If anti-inflammatory medicines …
Health topics
… tested. If you have questions about COVID-19 testing, ask your doctor or your provincial health authority. Since the … of taste or smell COVID-19 symptoms may appear from 2 to 14 days after infection. Flu symptoms usually appear 1 to 4 … of a flu shot during COVID It's important to get your yearly influenza (flu) vaccine and stay up to date on your
Health topics
… Overview YAG laser capsulotomy is surgery to help you see clearly after cataract surgery. You may need this surgery because months or years after cataract surgery, your vision may get fuzzy again. This happens when a … your eye (intraocular pressure, or IOP). It will take a few days to see as clearly as possible. You shouldn't have pain. …
Health topics
… to ask the pharmacist for it or have a prescription from your doctor to buy the medicine. How can you safely use … sprays, drops, or gels more times in one day or for more days in a row than the label says. Overuse can cause rebound … sprays, drops, or gels more times in one day or for more days in a row than the label says. Overuse can cause rebound …
Health topics
… syndrome (IBS). You meet the Rome III criteria for IBS if your symptoms began at least 6 months ago, you have had abdominal (belly) pain or discomfort at least 3 days each month in the last 3 months, and at least two of … have had abdominal (belly) pain or discomfort at least 3 days each month in the last 3 months, and at least two of …
Health topics
… rhinitis is: Intermittent if you have symptoms fewer than 4 days a week or fewer than 4 weeks a year. Persistent if you have symptoms 4 or more days a week and 4 or more weeks a year. Mild if your symptoms do not affect your sleep, daily activities, …
Health topics
… An irritable or angry mood that lasts most of the day, nearly every day. And the mood is noticed at home, at school, … Treatments include counselling and medicine. Talk with your doctor about what treatment plan would be most helpful … An irritable or angry mood that lasts most of the day, nearly every day. And the mood is noticed at home, at school, …
Health topics
… To Expect You will likely go home the same day and can do your normal activities within 24 hours. Your return to … on how quickly you recover from surgery. It may take a few days or as long as 2 to 4 weeks. Why It Is Done Ovarian … on how quickly you recover from surgery. It may take a few days or as long as 2 to 4 weeks. Why It Is Done Ovarian …
Health topics
… a very sore throat after surgery. It may last for several days. This may affect the sound and volume of the voice. It … and drink. The person may also have bad breath for a few days after surgery. There is a very small risk of serious … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …