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Health topics
… need to take care of the incision as it heals. Caring for your incision may help lower the risk of problems like … may have some drainage from the incision for the first few days after surgery. Contact your doctor if the discharge: Does not decrease after a few days. Becomes bright red with blood or contains pus. The …
Health topics
… urges even when you have only a little bit of urine in your bladder. You may not be able to hold your urine until … to write down these things in a bladder diary for 3 or 4 days before you see your doctor. Your doctor probably will … to write down these things in a bladder diary for 3 or 4 days before you see your doctor. Your doctor probably will …
Health topics
… clear health benefits, should be incorporated at least 2 days each week as well as exercises to improve flexibility …
Health topics
… wrapper, be careful not to poke a hole in the condom with your fingernails, teeth, or other sharp objects. Put the condom on as soon as your penis is hard (erect) and before any sexual contact … petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline), grease, hand lotion, baby oil, or anything with oil in it (read the label). Oil …
Health topics
… piece of silicone sponge, rubber, or semi-hard plastic that your eye doctor ( ophthalmologist ) places on the outside of … pain in your eye and your vision may be blurry for a few days after the surgery. Your eye may be swollen, red, or … pain in your eye and your vision may be blurry for a few days after the surgery. Your eye may be swollen, red, or …
Health topics
… Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… breaths. Breathing this way makes it harder to get air into your lungs. Learning new ways to slow down and control your breathing may help. You may feel better and be able to … you can breathe better. You can try two ways to control your breathing. They are pursed-lip breathing and …
Health topics
… frustrated or overwhelmed with all there is to do. Some days you may feel like it's just too much work. There will … be times when you just don't feel like testing and tracking your blood sugar. There are ways to handle these tough … feet, and legs. I have more energy. I can think more clearly. I feel better about myself, because I am eating …
Health topics
… and work on increasing the number of steps you take on your family walks. Register the whole family in a family fun run/walk in your community. If the event is for charity, have your family walk through your neighbourhood to collect …
Health topics
… After you open a foil package, use the contents within 10 days. And after you tear off and open a block of three, discard any unused insulin after 3 days. Always read the insulin package information that tells the best way to store your insulin. You can keep open bottles with you if you keep …