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Health topics
… Follow these steps to stop a nosebleed. Gently blow your nose to clear any clots. Sit up straight and tip your head slightly forward. Do not tilt your head back. This may cause blood to run down the back of …
Health topics
… Taking Care of Yourself When You Have a Child With Physical, Emotional, or … problems can be exhausting. Try to take good care of your own physical and emotional health. Doing so will help provide you with needed energy to care for your child with special needs. Here are some tips for taking …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Examples … and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) lower the amount of acid your stomach makes. They don't work on the acid that's …
Health topics
… work or doing work that doesn't satisfy you. Conflicts with your boss, co-workers, or customers are also major … Lack of control. Feeling as if you have no control over your job duties is one cause of job stress. More … say no to new tasks. Job satisfaction and performance. If your job isn't meaningful, it can be stressful. And feeling …
Health topics
… called cyclic breast changes, because they come and go with your menstrual cycle. Fibrocystic breast changes are normal … and harmless. They aren't cancer, and they don't increase your chance of getting breast cancer. But having fibrocystic … biopsy showing atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) , talk to your doctor about how often you need a breast checkup. What …
Health topics
… more likely to happen if you have a disease that has made your bones weak, such as osteoporosis or cancer. What are … a breath or breathe deeply. Or it may cause pain around your breastbone. If you can't breathe normally you may feel … have a headache. What could happen when you break a rib? Your ribs have two main jobs: They help protect the organs …
Health topics
… of the hormones cortisol and, sometimes, aldosterone. Your body needs both of these hormones to work as it should. … helps the body hold on to the salt it needs, and it keeps your blood pressure steady. Normally, the level of these … disease, you need to take medicine for the rest of your life to replace the hormones your body can't make. If …
Health topics
… Overview There is no medical test that can diagnose PTSD. Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, how long you've had them, and how much they affect your daily activities. Your doctor may also ask about: The …
Health topics
… keep in mind that you are the most important person in your own recovery. You need to have a major say in the decisions about your care. This may be hard for you, and you may sometimes … that you want to be involved in the decisions about your care. State your wishes and opinions on matters that …
Health topics
… Overview It's normal to get aches and pains in your hips and pelvic area when you're pregnant. Pregnancy hormones are relaxing your ligaments . This loosens up your pelvic bones so they can shift and open for childbirth. …