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1148 results found
Health topics
… be signs of a drug use problem Changes in your sleeping or eating habits, paying less attention to dressing and … or not caring about the future Anger toward others or treating others badly Sneaky behaviour, lying, or stealing … eyes Losing weight without trying to, or not feeling like eating Changes in how well you sleep Seeing things that …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… take your medicines when you are doing other things, like eating a meal or getting ready for bed. This will make it … take your medicines when you are doing other things, like eating a meal or getting ready for bed. This will make it …
Health topics
… pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea or vomiting. Pain, … pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea or vomiting. Pain, …
Health topics
… A pain specialist is a health professional who focuses on treating resistant pain. Talk to your doctor if you are having problems with depression. Treating depression can make it easier to manage your cancer … A pain specialist is a health professional who focuses on treating resistant pain. Talk to your doctor if you are having …
Health topics
… your loved one in making healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods. Also, he or she may rely on you for … your loved one in making healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods. Also, he or she may rely on you for …