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… such as a suddenly higher temperature. This may bring on sweating, which can cause itching. Stress. Stress may lead to … such as a suddenly higher temperature. This may bring on sweating, which can cause itching. Stress. Stress may lead to …
Health topics
… urinate. The doctor may ask you questions about your risk factors. These are things that make you more likely to get … urinate. The doctor may ask you questions about your risk factors. These are things that make you more likely to get …
Health topics
… on the type and how much hearing loss you have and other factors. The audiologist can help you learn how to get the … on the type and how much hearing loss you have and other factors. The audiologist can help you learn how to get the …
Health topics
… to stay at its normal temperature by transferring heat. Sweating and blood flow to the skin ( thermoregulation ) help … . They occur in muscles during and after exercise because sweating caused the body to lose water, salt, and minerals ( … to the skin, so your body is less able to cool itself by sweating. Other medicines can change your sense of thirst or …