1733 results found
Health topics
… fullness cues. They eat when they're hungry and then stop eating when they're full. Experts agree that newborns should … You might be able to limit nighttime feedings if you avoid socializing with your baby and lingering after they have finished eating. Your baby will feed and go back to sleep easier if …
Health topics
… your medicine. Eat healthy food. If you do not feel like eating, try to eat food that has protein and extra calories … for Sleep Problems Cancer Support: Managing Stress Eating Well During Cancer Treatment Hair Loss From Cancer … and may be able to help you find counselling or other social support services. Social groups. Social groups can …
Health topics
… Smoking: Temptations and Cravings Quitting Smoking: Your Social Life Radon Recommitting to Staying Tobacco-Free … Smoking: Temptations and Cravings Quitting Smoking: Your Social Life Radon Recommitting to Staying Tobacco-Free …
Health topics
… adults can include: Violent acts. These include hitting, beating, pushing, shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, … abuse Abuse of vulnerable adults is a complex problem. Risk factors include: A pattern of domestic violence over time. … financial or other support from the vulnerable person. Social isolation. Caregivers or family members may try to …
Health topics
… (Rhytidectomy) Facial Injuries Facial Problems, Non-Injury Factors (Triggers) That May Cause a Flare-Up of Rosacea … Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease Head Lice Heat Rash Heavy Sweating Henna Tattoos (Mehndi) Hidradenitis Suppurativa … Nail Psoriasis Nail-Biting Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh-Eating Bacteria) Needle Punctures for Health Reasons Newborn …
Health topics
… or slows the flow of urine. What Increases Your Risk Risk factors that increase your child's risk of getting a UTI … infection (sepsis). Your doctor is likely to start treating your child based on the symptoms and urine test. … infection (sepsis). Your doctor is likely to start treating your child based on the symptoms and urine test. …
Health topics
Health topics
… your test results, such as pregnancy, a medicine you take, eating right before a test, smoking, or being under stress. … your test results, such as pregnancy, a medicine you take, eating right before a test, smoking, or being under stress. …
Health topics
… a job, there will be enough time to fulfill academic, social, and family obligations. Stress the importance of … a job, there will be enough time to fulfill academic, social, and family obligations. Stress the importance of …
Health topics
… and weight gain. "You hear the mantra of losing weight, eating better, getting regular exercise, and it finally sank … Having others to ride with motivated him physically and socially. "I've made a lot of friends who have the same … and weight gain. "You hear the mantra of losing weight, eating better, getting regular exercise, and it finally sank …