1191 results found
Health topics
… What causes it? Most people get more than enough B12 from eating meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. Vitamin B12 deficiency … diet can prevent it by taking a daily vitamin pill or by eating foods that have been fortified with B12. Babies born … What causes it? Most people get more than enough B12 from eating meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. Vitamin B12 deficiency …
Health topics
… smell. What causes it? Most people get staph poisoning by eating contaminated food. The most common reason for … eaten and whether other people have become ill from eating the same things. A stool culture and blood tests may … drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of food. This will …
Health topics
… drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of food. This will … drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of food. This will …
Health topics
Health topics
… chances of quitting for good. Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Osteoporosis … chances of quitting for good. Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Osteoporosis …
Health topics
… still usually too much sodium. Healthy Eating: Eating Heart-Healthy Foods Heart Failure: Avoiding Triggers … still usually too much sodium. Healthy Eating: Eating Heart-Healthy Foods Heart Failure: Avoiding …
Health topics
… And it can be hard to trust a whole new way of eating, exercising, and taking care of yourself. If you are diagnosed with an eating disorder, it may take some time to develop trust in … practice. Listen to what others are saying about healthy eating. Avoid looking for ways to argue back. Ask to read …
Health topics
… Preschool-age children tend to go through phases of picky eating. Don't force your child to eat. Instead, try to offer … Growth and Development, Ages 2 to 5 Years Healthy Eating for Children Helping Your Child Who Is Overweight … Preschool-age children tend to go through phases of picky eating. Don't force your child to eat. Instead, try to offer …
Health topics
Health topics
… spread? People usually get hepatitis E by drinking water or eating food that's been contaminated by feces (stool) from … can get hepatitis E from contact with an animal, such as eating undercooked meat from or touching an infected pig. … water and ice that you don't know is clean, and avoid eating uncooked shellfish. Avoid uncooked fruits or …