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1191 results found
Health topics
… Staying With Your Eating Plan When Your Schedule Shifts On this page: Getting … travel Plan for delays or times when you don't have healthy eating options. Take healthy snacks like fruit or nuts with … travel Plan for delays or times when you don't have healthy eating options. Take healthy snacks like fruit or nuts with …
Health topics
… feel like food is always close by. This can make healthy eating harder to do—and getting out for takeout foods a … Try some of these tips to help you keep the focus on eating healthy when you're home a lot more. Plan meals ahead … food group—vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods. And choose different foods from each food …
Health topics
… to eat out. She just makes sure to allow for it in her eating plan. Morris says she knows that to deprive herself … to eat out. She just makes sure to allow for it in her eating plan. Morris says she knows that to deprive herself …
Health topics
Eating Right When You Have More Than One Health Problem On this page: Overview Overview Eating right may seem hard to do if you have more than one … You may be given diet guidelines for each condition. But eating right may not be as hard as you think. Here are some …
Health topics
… Vegetarian Diets On this page: Overview Eating a Healthy Diet Vegetarian Diets for Children and … it's wrong to use animals for food. Some religions forbid eating meat. It may cost less than a diet that includes … to be sure you are eating a balanced diet. Get enough protein. A vegetarian diet that includes eggs and dairy …
Health topics
… body work as it should. Learn about carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Carbohydrates … Canada’s food guide: Sugar substitutes and healthy eating Fats and oils Read about dietary fat, where it’s … fats and your health  (HealthLinkBC File #68f) Healthy eating: Cutting unhealthy fats from your diet Protein Learn …
Health topics
… "VAY-gun") diet is a type of vegetarian diet. Besides not eating meat, vegans don't eat food that comes from animals … Some people think it's wrong to use animals for food. Not eating meat is an important part of some religions. A vegan … mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. How do you get protein? Protein is made of building blocks called amino …
Health topics
… kidney disease need to limit salt (sodium), fluids, and protein. Some also have to limit potassium and phosphorus. … to be healthy and have energy. If you have a hard time eating enough, talk to your doctor or dietitian about ways … follow the diet your doctor or dietitian gave you. Protein Eating too much protein can stress the kidneys. But if you …
Health topics
… Document Spanish Document Vietnamese On this page: Healthy eating for a strong immune system Physical activity Quit smoking Healthy eating for a strong immune system A healthy eating pattern rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and protein foods is important for a strong immune system. …
Health topics
… appetite or feel too tired to prepare and eat meals. But eating regularly and eating healthy foods is important. That's because food: … fruits and vegetables, dairy products, grains, and proteins. COPD: Avoiding Weight Loss …