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3235 results found
Health topics
… after jumping: Land with the knees bent. As the knees bend during landing, make sure they travel in a straight path. Do … female athlete. In PJ McMahon, ed., Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Sports Medicine , pp. 259–260. New York: … after jumping: Land with the knees bent. As the knees bend during landing, make sure they travel in a straight path. Do …
Health topics
… through times of crisis. If possible, try to make your plan during a time when you aren't in a crisis so it's ready when … may include your reason(s) to live. Rank these ideas by how well you think they'll work. What might keep you from using … may include your reason(s) to live. Rank these ideas by how well you think they'll work. What might keep you from using …
Health topics
… clue. If your child has diarrhea and other symptoms during the winter or early spring (about November through … his or her bottom in running bath water to clean the area well. Don't give your child any over-the-counter medicines … his or her bottom in running bath water to clean the area well. Don't give your child any over-the-counter medicines …
Health topics
… sure you're using the right muscles and breathing properly during the exercises. They can also show you more exercises … your belly move in. When you can do this type of breathing well while lying down, learn to do it while sitting or … your belly move in. When you can do this type of breathing well while lying down, learn to do it while sitting or …
Health topics
… Write down any negative or unhelpful thoughts you had during the day. If you think you might not remember at the … some things you want to work on. If you didn't perform as well as you would like on something, write that down. You … some things you want to work on. If you didn't perform as well as you would like on something, write that down. You …
Health topics
Health topics
… mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working as they … mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working as they …
Health topics
… water faucets, sinks, towel racks, light switches, and heating and cooling controls. Eating and cooking. Special handles can help you hold … water faucets, sinks, towel racks, light switches, and heating and cooling controls. Eating and cooking. Special …