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3235 results found
Health topics
… of them:  Walk your way to health Fitness: Walking for wellness Yoga Tai chi and qi gong Water exercise Fitness …
Health topics
… daily life. It can cause problems with your memory and how well you can think and plan. Alzheimer's disease is the most …
Health topics
… herself. Letting children know that they belong, are doing well, and are contributing can help them build healthy … need to feel that they can do at least one thing very well. Pay attention to what your children like to do. Help … of substance use, such as falling grades and poor health during adulthood. Practice how to respond when a harmful …
Health topics
… as a hammer, by themselves. Like to draw, paint, make jewellery, build models, or do other activities that use their … as a hammer, by themselves. Like to draw, paint, make jewellery, build models, or do other activities that use their …
Health topics
… brain slams against the skull. This can cause bleeding and swelling in the brain. Young children are at high risk for … body size. Weak neck muscles that don't hold up the head well. Delicate blood vessels in their brains. Possible … doctors may try seizure medicine, physiotherapy, or other treatments. A child who has severe bleeding in the brain may …
Health topics
… breaks the bone. It can take some time to recover. But treatment can help you get back some strength and mobility. … likely need surgery to fix your hip. Surgery usually works well, but your hip will probably take a long time to get … likely need surgery to fix your hip. Surgery usually works well, but your hip will probably take a long time to get …
Health topics
… are other childhood experiences that can cause trauma as well. For example, things like discrimination, being … helping kids who've had ACEs or trauma. Focus on creating a safe, stable home. Make days calm and predictable. … be that way. You can break the cycle. See a counsellor. Get treatment for depression and other mental health conditions. …
Health topics
… personalities. Sibling conflict isn't all bad. When handled well, it can help kids learn how to manage their emotions, … your child enjoys and that build the child's strengths. During this time, you could also give your child some … personalities. Sibling conflict isn't all bad. When handled well, it can help kids learn how to manage their emotions, …
Health topics
… your baby comes in contact with, such as toys and jewellery, haven't been recalled because of high lead levels … your baby comes in contact with, such as toys and jewellery, haven't been recalled because of high lead levels …
Health topics
… to use, or too complicated? Is it fun? Is it sturdy and well made? Is it noisy? Does it meet any required safety … Can you rent it or have a trial period so you can see how well it suits you over a longer period of time? Check to see …