3237 results found
Health topics
… of illness (malaise). How can you care for yourself? Home treatment for seabather's eruption can help ease your … rash is present. These symptoms include: Increased pain, swelling, redness, or warmth around the affected area. Red … rash is present. These symptoms include: Increased pain, swelling, redness, or warmth around the affected area. Red …
Health topics
… reflux (VUR) treated? Many children do not need treatment for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). The ureters grow … damage. Your child may need to take continuous antibiotic treatment. Or your doctor may give you the option of … reflux (VUR) treated? Many children do not need treatment for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). The ureters grow …
Health topics
… aggressive behaviour, or anxiety. Fast heart rate. Sweating that may be heavy or may have stopped. Skin that may … or other emergency services, begin emergency first aid treatment if emergency medical personnel (such as … aggressive behaviour, or anxiety. Fast heart rate. Sweating that may be heavy or may have stopped. Skin that may …
Health topics
… support such as love, trust, and understanding, as well as advice and concrete help, such as help managing your … support such as love, trust, and understanding, as well as advice and concrete help, such as help managing your …
Health topics
… concerns, schedule a "date" in a private and quiet place. During this meeting, focus on the following techniques to … concerns, schedule a "date" in a private and quiet place. During this meeting, focus on the following techniques to …
Health topics
… If your doctor recommends compression stockings, wear them during the day to help relieve symptoms. For very mild … the calf, below the knee. You may find that these help swelling and aching considerably. They are available at most … the calf, below the knee. You may find that these help swelling and aching considerably. They are available at most …
Health topics
… when someone is around to help you. If you feel tired during an activity, take a break. If you have high blood …
Health topics
… and take the stairs whenever possible. Plan breaks during the day to stretch or go for a walk or a quick bike …
Health topics
… with your toddler. It's also good to use your imagination during play. For example, suggest that you and your toddler …
Health topics
… to 12 times in a 24-hour period, without time limitations. During the first 3 days after the birth, focus all your … to 12 times in a 24-hour period, without time limitations. During the first 3 days after the birth, focus all your …