684 results found
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… Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition that affects males. Klinefelter syndrome occurs when a boy is born … a man's life but does not help infertility . Speech therapy and educational support can help boys who have … a man's life but does not help infertility . Speech therapy and educational support can help boys who have …
Health topics
… inflammation of the heart muscle. It may be caused by an infection, certain drugs, or an immune system problem. Drinking … such as cocaine, or taking certain medicines such as chemotherapy. Being exposed to toxic metals, such as lead or … for heart failure (also called cardiac resynchronization therapy or CRT). An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator …
Health topics
… . This is a rare type of heart inflammation. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy. They are used to treat cancer. Carcinoid syndrome . … buildup. You may also have other tests. These include: An electrocardiogram , also known as an ECG or EKG. A chest …
Health topics
… Cuff Disorders On this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview … few days after surgery even if you are using a sling. Physiotherapy after surgery is crucial for a successful recovery. … few days after surgery even if you are using a sling. Physiotherapy after surgery is crucial for a successful recovery. …
Health topics
… the levels of some chemicals in the brain. This may help affect your child's moods. Here are some ways to care for your … can help your child. You also may want to do family therapy. Ask your child's doctor for a referral. Where to … can help your child. You also may want to do family therapy. Ask your child's doctor for a referral. Where to …
Health topics
… such as vitamin C, iron, and potassium pills. Infection. People who have a weak immune system are more likely … adults and people who take steroid medicine. Radiation therapy . Certain diseases that make it hard to swallow, … adults and people who take steroid medicine. Radiation therapy . Certain diseases that make it hard to swallow, …
Health topics
… are a bad or weak person. Depression is very common. It affects people of all ages. If you think you may be depressed, … depression in older adults is treated with counselling, therapy, medicine, or a combination of these. Treatment for … depression in older adults is treated with counselling, therapy, medicine, or a combination of these. Treatment for …
Health topics
… 2 weeks, your body isn't recovering from childbirth as expected. Postpartum depression: Is a serious medical … your symptoms.) Treatment options Cognitive-behavioural therapy with a supportive counsellor. This is recommended … your symptoms.) Treatment options Cognitive-behavioural therapy with a supportive counsellor. This is recommended …
Health topics
… Thyroid Surgery On this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview … thyroid cancer, you may need to have radioactive iodine therapy. Your doctor will talk to you about what happens … thyroid cancer, you may need to have radioactive iodine therapy. Your doctor will talk to you about what happens …
Health topics
… the symptoms? Symptoms of DVT include swelling of the affected leg or arm. The leg or arm may swell, feel warm, or … disorder. Pregnancy, hormonal birth control, and hormone therapy can also make blood more likely to clot. Surgery or … pregnant, using hormonal birth control, or using hormone therapy. Having a recent surgery or injury that involved the …