3576 results found
Health topics
… people develop physically and sexually so that they can have children. It is the time when male and female sex … is a sign that girls can become pregnant. Girls should be instructed on how to use pads or tampons. Explain … is a sign that girls can become pregnant. Girls should be instructed on how to use pads or tampons. Explain …
Health topics
… who do not get enough calcium and vitamin D throughout life have an increased chance of having thin and brittle bones ( … from all sources—including food, sunshine, and supplements—should not be more than the amount shown by age in the table … intake does not mean that most people need this amount or should try to get it. It means this is the maximum amount of …
Health topics
… birth wishes outline the things you would prefer to do or have happen during labour, birth and the days following. For … Please help Tom in his efforts to help me We would like to have music playing during labour. We will bring our own … your own birth wishes template Umbilical cord blood banking Should I bank my baby's umbilical cord blood? … Writing your …
Health topics
… who's at risk for suicide has these signs. They may have others. For example, they may seem hopeless, anxious, … Depression Depression in Children and Teens Depression: Should My Child Take Medicine to Treat Depression? Suicidal … Depression Depression in Children and Teens Depression: Should My Child Take Medicine to Treat Depression? Suicidal …
Health topics
… of his or her body. And menopause often causes women to have heavy sweating now and then. But some people have a condition that makes them sweat too much. They may … For very severe cases when other treatments have failed, surgery may be done to remove sweat glands or destroy the …
Health topics
… pregnant, talk to your doctor about what immunizations you have had and what you may need to protect your baby. And if … Ask your health professional what shots your child should get. Other shots may be recommended too, if your … yellow fever vaccine. Travellers to developing countries should take precautions to prevent hepatitis A infection , …
Health topics
… will both make changes. See a certified therapist if you have trouble talking about sex with your partner. A … Erection Problems (Erectile Dysfunction) Erection Problems: Should I Take Medicine? Current as of: August 2, … Erection Problems (Erectile Dysfunction) Erection Problems: Should I Take Medicine? Current as of: August 2, …
Health topics
… no one person can give you all you need, so it's good to have support teams. Support teams are unique to each … and personal support teams. The members of these teams should be people you trust. In addition to your doctor or …
Health topics
… The doctor will check to make sure that your baby doesn't have some other condition that affects the shape of the … know. If the flattened head is severe or other treatments haven't worked, your doctor may have you try a custom … The helmet can help correct the shape of your baby's head. Surgery usually isn't done, except in rare cases. How can …
Health topics
… The ICD isn't taken out of your chest, and you don't need surgery. Turning off the ICD won't cause death, and it won't … worse. But because the ICD won't give you a shock if you have a life-threatening heart rhythm, this type of heart … can be a tough decision. But it is yours to make. You don't have to do it alone. Look to your family, your doctor, your …