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3576 results found
Health topics
… heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. … dilated cardiomyopathy. What are the symptoms? You may not have any symptoms at first. Or you may have mild symptoms, … heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. …
Health topics
… eat is an important part of planning healthy meals when you have diabetes. Carbs raise blood sugar more than any other … your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than … your child's meals and snacks. High-sugar foods or sweets should be eaten only sometimes and in smaller servings than …
Health topics
… is the time to talk to your doctor about any plans you have to breastfeed both an older child and your newborn . … help you anticipate and manage breastfeeding difficulties, should they arise. Talk to friends and family members about … help you anticipate and manage breastfeeding difficulties, should they arise. Talk to friends and family members about …
Health topics
… with needle aspiration guided by ultrasound. Most people have pain medicine and sedation for this procedure. Sperm … when there is a problem with sperm development. Sperm may have been collected and frozen at an earlier time. In that … Other reasons you may choose IVF include: You had surgery to reverse a tubal ligation ("having your tubes …
Health topics
… Resistance exercise, which provide clear health benefits, should be incorporated at least 2 days each week as well as … amount of physical activity has some benefits and adults should be encouraged to do even small amounts of moderate- … a key role in supporting adults to be physically active and should make physical activity counselling a priority in …
Health topics
… go up and down throughout the day. But if it stays up, you have high blood pressure. Another name for high blood … are important to many health problems. High Blood Pressure: Should I Take Medicine? Actionsets are designed to help … in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly or in one or both shoulders or arms. Light-headedness or sudden weakness. A …
Health topics
… tobacco has benefits you can see. Your mouth sores should slowly start to go away. Your gums should begin to look healthier. Seeing these changes may … tobacco has benefits you can see. Your mouth sores should slowly start to go away. Your gums should begin to …
Health topics
… strong eye more than the weak eye. If the weak eye doesn't have to work, it isn't able to develop good vision. This … to be treated. Treatment is best started before age 6 and should begin before your child's vision has fully developed, … to be treated. Treatment is best started before age 6 and should begin before your child's vision has fully developed, …
Health topics
… Oxygen-gas cylinders. Liquid-oxygen devices. You don't have to stay at home or in a hospital to use oxygen. Oxygen … breathe better and live longer. Long-term oxygen therapy should be used for at least 15 hours a day with as few … breathe better and live longer. Long-term oxygen therapy should be used for at least 15 hours a day with as few …
Health topics
… then deciding how to treat them. Regardless of whether you have full-blown, diagnosable premenstrual syndrome (PMS), … discharge that occurs when you aren't pressing on a nipple should be checked by a health professional.) Decreased … discharge that occurs when you aren't pressing on a nipple should be checked by a health professional.) Decreased …