3576 results found
Health topics
… in front of a large group of people. People with phobias have so much fear that it's hard to do normal activities, … (and other closed spaces), or bridges. Many people who have phobias also have another condition such as a different anxiety disorder, …
Health topics
… lupus flare or are taking corticosteroid medicines, you may have irregular menstrual cycles. This can make it hard to plan a pregnancy. If you plan to have a baby or are already pregnant, it's very important … how lupus may affect your pregnancy. Most women with lupus have successful pregnancies. Women who become pregnant …
Health topics
… discharge. It may look greyish white or yellow. It may have a "fishy" odour, which may be worse after vaginal … discharge. The sample can be tested to find out if you have bacterial vaginosis. How is bacterial vaginosis … Your risk of getting bacterial vaginosis is higher if you: Have more than one sex partner or have a new sex partner. …
Health topics
… severe), which may guide treatment choices. People who have mild ulcerative colitis may have: Fewer than four bowel movements (stools) a day. No … Normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). People who have mild ulcerative colitis do not have fever, rapid …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have a mental health problem, you may worry about what other … stress disorder (PTSD) , and schizophrenia . You have a say in how others see you. The way you act and treat … and toward mental health problems. Stigma People sometimes have negative views about things they don't understand, such …
Health topics
… ovaries from releasing an egg each month (ovulation). You have to take a pill every day to prevent pregnancy. The … pills. The sugar pills don't contain any hormones. You have your period on that week. But other packs have no sugar pills. You take hormone pills for the whole …
Health topics
… Antidepressant medicines often work well, but they do have some risks and side effects. Their use may increase the … of the questions your doctor may ask your child include: Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy? Have you had any change in how well or when you sleep? Have …
Health topics
… did your last regular menstrual period start? When did you have your last Pap test? What is your blood type? Have you ever had a: Miscarriage? Stillbirth? Live birth? … Do you and your partner lead a high-risk lifestyle? Do you have any medical conditions that may affect pregnancy? Are …
Health topics
… then go without a ring for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Your period may be very light. Or you may … ring out for a week each month. With this method, you won't have your period. How well does it work? In the first year … not used exactly as directed , 9 or more people out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. What are the advantages of …
Health topics
… It affects your muscles and nerves, and it causes you to have weakness, fatigue, and muscle or joint pain. Although … daily activities more difficult. For example, people with shoulder or arm weakness may have trouble getting dressed. … daily activities more difficult. For example, people with shoulder or arm weakness may have trouble getting dressed. …