3576 results found
Health topics
… treatment is most likely to be helpful for those who: Have an erect penis when they wake up in the morning. Can get a firm erection when they masturbate. Have gone through a stressful major life event. These events … child. Lost their mother or father during early childhood. Have a history of serious relationship problems. Have a …
Health topics
… talk very fast. During a depressive episode, your child may have a sad, low, or cranky mood. Your child may have low energy. How is it diagnosed? There is no lab test … about health problems your child and family members have had. The doctor will ask questions about your child's …
Health topics
… Sex trade work. Reasons for high-risk behaviour People may have high-risk behaviour because they: May not understand … STIs. May not seek medical care for STI symptoms. May not have access to treatment or be able to afford treatment. May use alcohol and drugs and have sex. Drugs and alcohol impair judgment and make unsafe …
Health topics
… your partner. Sexually active women, especially those who have more than one sex partner, are more likely to have pelvic infections. And the risk for infection is increased if you: Have had an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted within the …
Health topics
… indoor and outdoor lighting allows me to see my way. ____I have night-lights where they best help me. ____My stairs have light switches within reach. ____I have a handrail next to my stairs. Checklist for the …
Health topics
… a child touch them in a sexual way, or has sex (or tries to have sex) with a child. Violence in the home . A child sees … and being in foster care can also cause stress that can have long-term effects. What happens when you've had ACEs? ACEs are common. Most people have at least one. How you are affected by an ACE depends on …
Health topics
… For it to work well, you must use spermicide each time you have sexual intercourse. Spermicide comes in creams, film, … is used exactly as directed , 18 women out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. When it is not used exactly as directed , 28 women out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. When spermicide is used with …
Health topics
… Anyone who has gonorrhea can pass it on, even if they don't have symptoms. What are the symptoms? Many people have no symptoms of gonorrhea. If there are symptoms, they … and a fever. You can spread gonorrhea even if you don't have symptoms. You're contagious until you've been treated. …
Health topics
… Phenylketonuria (PKU) is passed down through families. To have the disease, a baby must get (inherit) the PKU gene from both parents. The father and mother may not have PKU or even know that PKU runs in their families. A … only one parent is a carrier of the PKU gene but does not have the disease. If you have a child with PKU and are …
Health topics
… knows that sleep is important. Without it, you don't have the energy to get through your day. But sleep problems … But when you don't sleep well night after night, you can have what's called sleep deprivation or sleep debt. Besides … immune system has a harder time fighting infection. You may have mood swings. You may have trouble learning, solving …