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Health topics
… tests, like a CT scan or an MRI. You may see a lot of tubes and wires attached to your child. This can look scary. … things help the doctor care for your child. Some of the tubes may supply oxygen, fluid, and medicines. The wires are … gently push air into your child's lungs. There may be a tube down your child's throat that is attached to the …
Health topics
… pain and help you relax. The doctor will put a small tube into a blood vessel in your groin or arm. This tube is called a catheter. The doctor will move it through … The catheter is used to move a balloon and an expandable tube, called a stent, into the artery. The balloon is placed …
Health topics
… use a nasal cannula (say "KAN-yuh-luh"). This is a thin tube with two prongs that fit just inside your nose. People … into your lungs: The nasal cannula is a flexible plastic tube inserted in your nostrils. It gives you the greatest … use a nasal cannula (say "KAN-yuh-luh"). This is a thin tube with two prongs that fit just inside your nose. People …
Health topics
… working again. You are connected to a filter (dialyzer) by tubes attached to your blood vessels. Your blood is slowly … arm. It may take several months to form. A graft is a small tube that connects the artery and vein. It doesn't last as long as a fistula. A venous catheter is a tube placed in your neck or chest. It's used for a short …
Health topics
… Changes the environment of the uterus and fallopian tubes to prevent fertilization and to prevent implantation … implants block the movement of an egg through the fallopian tube and prevent fertilization. Birth … Changes the environment of the uterus and fallopian tubes to prevent fertilization and to prevent implantation …
Health topics
… stay comfortable, your doctor may place a nasogastric (NG) tube through your nose and down into your stomach. The tube is connected to low suction that removes fluids and gas … are partial blockages that get better on their own. The NG tube may help the bowel become unblocked when fluids and gas …
Health topics
… the chance that your baby may have Down syndrome , neural tube defects , or certain rare genetic problems. The blood … 10 and 13 weeks. But they aren't used to look for neural tube defects. This screening combines the results of two … But it can't help find other birth defects, such as neural tube defects. It's not used as a general screening test. And …
Health topics
… treated during the tests. For example, a blocked fallopian tube may be opened during a hysterosalpingogram. Sometimes … that looks at the inside of the uterus and the fallopian tubes. The pictures can show a blockage of the fallopian tubes that would prevent an egg from reaching the uterus or …
Health topics
… disease (PID) is an infection of your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries . If it's not treated right away, PID can cause scars in the fallopian tubes. This can make it harder to get pregnant. It can also … more easily get into and infect the uterus and fallopian tubes. The most common causes of PID are gonorrhea and …
Health topics
… What causes it? A gallstone stuck in the cystic duct , a tube that carries bile from the gallbladder, is most often … is working. It can also help find blockage in the tubes (bile ducts) that lead from the liver to the … caused by one or more gallstones getting stuck in the main tube leading to the intestine, called the common bile duct. …