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Health topics
… people out of 100 may not have problems. If problems happen during and soon after the procedure, your doctor is prepared … If there is damage to the heart's electrical system during the procedure, you will need a pacemaker. This may … the lungs. Death. Less than 1 out of every 100 people die during or soon after this procedure. footnote 2 , footnote 3 …
Health topics
… points to remember Circumcision is surgery. It causes pain during and after the procedure. After the foreskin is … in his first month, medicine may be used to numb the penis during circumcision. Your baby will probably be awake for … the same day he is circumcised. Your baby may have pain during and after surgery. The pain usually lasts 3 or 4 days …
Health topics
… as sudden, unplanned displays of anger or other emotions. During a tantrum, children often whine, cry, or scream. They … deal with their emotions. Tantrums that continue or start during the school years may be a sign of learning problems … tantrums often. Your child gets violent or destroys things during tantrums. You have problems handling your child's …
Health topics
… about 1 out of 4 children who wet the bed at night also wet during the day. footnote 1 Understanding daytime accidental … themselves if they move. If a child has accidental wetting during the day, it can affect his or her performance in … more often. Have your child use the toilet every hour during the day. Encourage your child to take extra time on …
Health topics
… have GERD. Most non-prescription antacids are safe to use during pregnancy to treat symptoms. Antacids that contain sodium … have GERD. Most non-prescription antacids are safe to use during pregnancy to treat symptoms. Antacids that contain …
Health topics
… medicines that block the hormones that cause body changes during puberty. They can delay development of physical … Children and teens grow and develop quickly. Before and during puberty, they may feel more like one gender some of … medicines that block the hormones that cause body changes during puberty. They can delay development of physical …
Health topics
… a temperature sensor is inserted into the man's rectum during the procedure. If the temperature in the rectum … in the hospital. A general or spinal anesthetic is needed during the procedure. Microwave therapy is also known as … a temperature sensor is inserted into the man's rectum during the procedure. If the temperature in the rectum …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview During a hospital stay, you may have a higher-than-normal … it with you. Or you can ask the hospital to provide one during your stay. Ask for help. Tell your doctor or nurse if … Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview During a hospital stay, you may have a higher-than-normal …
Health topics
… a tumour, such as with bladder cancer. Or it may be given during surgery or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it … is greater than the risks. Risks of radiation therapy during and right after treatment include: Fatigue. Nausea … a tumour, such as with bladder cancer. Or it may be given during surgery or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it …
Health topics
… from one person to another, so the amount of tissue removed during surgery also differs. Some of the lymph nodes under the arm may also be removed during breast-conserving surgery. This is done with a … from one person to another, so the amount of tissue removed during surgery also differs. Some of the lymph nodes under …