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2320 results found
Health topics
… means taking a dose every 6 hours around the clock or just during regular waking hours. Current as of: March 1, … means taking a dose every 6 hours around the clock or just during regular waking hours. Current as of: March 1, …
Health topics
… And they use sterile water to dilute ink or rinse needles during tattooing. For body piercing, they use sterile … And they use sterile water to dilute ink or rinse needles during tattooing. For body piercing, they use sterile …
Health topics
… from playing sports or doing strenuous activity, especially during the pre-teen and teen years. Normal changes that come … from playing sports or doing strenuous activity, especially during the pre-teen and teen years. Normal changes that come …
Health topics
… 9 to 12 months of age, babies observe others' behaviour. During this time, they also start a discovery phase. They … 9 to 12 months of age, babies observe others' behaviour. During this time, they also start a discovery phase. They …
Health topics
… with the thigh turned inward. This kind of injury is common during many sports activities. Symptoms of a dislocated … with the thigh turned inward. This kind of injury is common during many sports activities. Symptoms of a dislocated …
Health topics
… swelling, redness, and pus. For most people, acne starts during the teen years. This is because hormone changes make … swelling, redness, and pus. For most people, acne starts during the teen years. This is because hormone changes make … acne runs in families. The risk of getting acne is highest during the teen and young adult years. These are the years …
Health topics
… to prolong your life. Why choose hospice palliative care? During the often difficult last stages of a serious illness, … about hospice palliative care to discuss with your doctor during your next visit. Let your family and doctor know what … care is to give you as much control and dignity as possible during the time you have left. For example, most people in …
Health topics
… You go home the same day. You will probably be awake during the procedure. If you have many hemorrhoids, you may have treatment in a hospital and be asleep during the procedure. Symptoms get better in about 8 out of … surgery You are asleep or you are numb from the waist down during the operation. You will probably go home the same …
Health topics
… surgery (lumpectomy) , along with radiation therapy . During this type of surgery, the doctor cuts out the tumour … tissue around it. Sometimes all of the cancer isn't removed during the first surgery. If this happens, you will need to … an option, because less breast tissue has to be removed during surgery. If you prefer breast-conserving surgery but …
Health topics
… ability to think, concentrate, or remember. Cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). This may be done to see if you recover … Don't push yourself to get more done on days you feel well. During and between activities, take rest breaks often. This … ability to think, concentrate, or remember. Cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). This may be done to see if you recover …