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2174 results found
Health topics
… source. Electrical burns can affect the electrical activity of the heart and cause heartbeat changes. If the … source. Electrical burns can affect the electrical activity of the heart and cause heartbeat changes. If the …
Health topics
… after heavy sweating. Shower as soon as you can after any activity that causes heavy sweating, especially sports. … after heavy sweating. Shower as soon as you can after any activity that causes heavy sweating, especially sports. …
Health topics
… the rectum, it can cause constant pain or pain during sex, exercise, or bowel movements. Symptoms often get better … the rectum, it can cause constant pain or pain during sex, exercise, or bowel movements. Symptoms often get better … the rectum, it can cause constant pain or pain during sex, exercise, or bowel movements. Symptoms often get better …
Health topics
… when you aren't going to eat your usual amount of food. Exercise too much without eating enough food. Skip a meal. … when you aren't going to eat your usual amount of food. Exercise too much without eating enough food. Skip a meal. …
Health topics
… thighs, and buttocks clean and dry. Dry off well after you exercise and shower. Try these other steps to prevent jock … thighs, and buttocks clean and dry. Dry off well after you exercise and shower. Try these other steps to prevent jock …