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1479 results found
Health topics
… causes GERD? Normally when you swallow food, it travels down the esophagus. A valve opens to let the food pass into the stomach, and then the valve … food, it travels down the esophagus. A valve opens to let the food pass into the stomach, and then the valve …
Health topics
… ligament (ACL) injuries has focused on women: women athletes injure their ACLs up to 8 times as often as men athletes. footnote 1 Although the following tips come from … part of your warm-up before the activity and your cool-down after the activity. Stretching can help you keep and …
Health topics
… spine. The discs act as shock absorbers for the spine. They let your spine flex, bend, and twist. Degenerative disc … stenosis. What causes it? As we age, our spinal discs break down, or degenerate. This breakdown causes the symptoms of … spine. The discs act as shock absorbers for the spine. They let your spine flex, bend, and twist. Degenerative disc …
Health topics
… A child may not have symptoms of high blood sugar. Testing lets you see when your child's blood sugar is above the … symptoms. Keep a record of high blood sugar levels. Write down your child's symptoms and how you treated them. Take … at all times. Wearing a medical alert ID such as a bracelet, necklace, or temporary tattoo is very important in case …
Health topics
… Having support bars in the bathtub and around the toilet can help you put less strain on your back as you get in and out or up and down. If you shave your legs, put a small stool in the … to lift properly. Better yet, find a place to sit down, and let the child come into your lap. Gardening Many gardening …
Health topics
… your doctor clearly explain what each medicine does. Write down both the brand and generic names. Ask your doctor to … pharmacist can tell you how to store your medicines. Don't let your medicines get too hot or too cold. Always store … pharmacist can tell you how to store your medicines. Don't let your medicines get too hot or too cold. Always store …
Health topics
… and can't speak for yourself. Advance care plans also let you appoint somebody to make health care decisions for … box unless others can get to it. On each copy, write down where the original form is kept. Give copies to your … forms and get rid of your existing forms. Or you can just let your family, your doctor, and your substitute …
Health topics
… not exist). Over time, most children accept the truth and let go of their fears. Helping children deal with their … home from school, at the dinner table, or at bedtime. Let children know that you are open to talking to them by being interested in what happens in their lives. Let them tell you what they know. Build your conversation …
Health topics
… and, to some degree, on what you prefer. Your doctor will let you know if you will stay in the hospital or if you can … exercises are just passive motion. This means you relax and let the therapist move your arm for you. The therapist will … the first artificial joint. Over time, the components wear down or may loosen and need to be replaced. Your artificial …
Health topics
… one foot slightly ahead of the other (karate stance). Squat down, bending at the hips and knees only. If needed, put one … Keep your shoulders in line with your hips as you move. Set down your load carefully, squatting with the knees and hips … one foot slightly ahead of the other (karate stance). Squat down, bending at the hips and knees only. If needed, put one …