528 results found
Health topics
… following things to help prevent STIs: Use a water-based lubricant when you have sex. As you age, your immune system … walls thin, and you may have some vaginal dryness. Using a lubricant, such as K-Y Jelly, may keep you from getting a … sex. For older adults, this means always using condoms and lubricants until you are in a monogamous relationship and …
Health topics
… What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is the name for a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve . This nerve carries information from the eye to the brain. When the nerve is damaged, you can lose … types of glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma usually affects both eyes at the same time. Your vision gradually gets worse. But …
Health topics
… . The retina is the nerve layer that lines the back of your eye. It is the part of your eye that "takes pictures" and sends the images to your … worse over many years. At first, the blood vessels in the eye get weak. This can lead to blood and other liquid …
Health topics
… flush with a large amount of water. Do not flush the eye with alcohol. Sulfuric acid is flushed with a mild, … oil. The most important first aid for a chemical in the eye is to immediately flush the substance out with large amounts of water to reduce the chance of serious eye damage. For any chemical burn to the eye, see the topic …
Health topics
… oil. The most important first aid for a chemical in the eye is to immediately flush the substance out with large amounts of water to reduce the chance of serious eye damage. For any chemical burn to the eye, see the topic Burns to the Eye. …
Health topics
… A fish hook can cause other problems if it enters the eye, muscles, tendons, ligaments, or bones. A fish hook … injury is more serious when: A fish hook is in or near an eye. A barb can't be removed using home treatment. Bleeding … bleeding Mild Mild bleeding Is the fish hook stuck in the eyeball? Don't try to remove the hook, and don't put any …
Health topics
… sexual enjoyment (such as changing foreplay, using lubricants, getting enough rest, eliminating distractions). … sexual enjoyment (such as changing foreplay, using lubricants, getting enough rest, eliminating distractions). …
Health topics
… vaginal dryness. If this becomes a problem, vaginal lubricants are available to provide moisture. You can also … vaginal dryness. If this becomes a problem, vaginal lubricants are available to provide moisture. You can also …
Health topics
… flush with a large amount of water. Do not flush the eye with alcohol. Sulfuric acid is flushed with a mild, … oil. The most important first aid for a chemical in the eye is to immediately flush the substance out with large amounts of water to reduce the chance of serious eye damage. For any chemical burn to the eye, see the topic …
Health topics
… inhibitors) are the most effective treatments for PTSD. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) may … and family therapy to help you with your relationships. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is …