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… news. Ask when and how you will get the results of tests or procedures. If you don't get them when you expect to, don't … news. Ask when and how you will get the results of tests or procedures. If you don't get them when you expect to, don't …
Health topics
… factors combine to cause inflammation of the bronchial tubes , which carry air to the lungs. This can lead to … long-lasting (chronic) inflammation in the bronchial tubes. Immune system. In some children, immune system cells … that occurs when the airways of the lungs ( bronchial tubes ) narrow. Coughing, which is the only symptom for some …
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… al.(2016). Effectiveness of left atrial appendage exclusion procedures to reduce the risk of stroke: A systematic review … al.(2016). Effectiveness of left atrial appendage exclusion procedures to reduce the risk of stroke: A systematic review … al.(2016). Effectiveness of left atrial appendage exclusion procedures to reduce the risk of stroke: A systematic review …
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